fifthteen: rainy broadway stage

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{Before this chapter starts here is a video of how Andrea and Matt sing. No this is not how Andrea and Matt look. But this same scene happens in this chapter. I'll give you a little heads up for when you can start playing the video}

May 28, 2014

"Hey Matt?!" I yelled in my kitchen as he came running down the stairs.

"Yeah?" he said out of breath.

"Can you pass me the remote?"

"What the hell Andrea it's right next to you!"

"I'm lazy."

"So I've seen." he laughed.

"Hey, lets go back to NYC." Matt said.

"You wanna go back home already? I asked.

"No! it's uh just that I wanted to go back to broadway!" he said.

"There's no broadway shows on though."

"I know, it's just I really wanna go back to Broadway." Matt spoke.

"Okay." I nodded.

Once we got out the car it started raining really hard.

"Fuck!" I heard Matt muttered.

It was pouring hard.

I took off my jacket and held it above my head.

"Get inside quickly." Matt said as he opened a door to somewhere I couldn't recall.

Once we were inside I looked around.

Seats everywhere, dark, and a stage at the very back.

I looked back at where we came in. It had an exit sign.

"Where the hell are we?" I asked Matt.

"Come here." Matt said as he jumped on the stage.

I chased after him and got on the stage.

"You wanna know where we are?" Matt asked.

I nodded.

"A broadway stage."

I looked to the right of the stage and saw a piano. I walked over to the piano and played a note. {Play the video right here.}

"Whenever I see someone less fortune than I! And lets face it! Who isn't? Less fortune than I!? My tender heart tends to start to bleed.

And when someone needs a makeover I simply have to take over! I know I know! Exactly! What they need!

And even in your case, though its the toughest case I've yet to face. Dont worry! Im determined to succeed!

Follow my lead! And yes! indeed! you, will, be..." I sang.

Then Matt sang with me. "Popular! Your gonna be popular!"

"I'll teach you the proper poise when you talk to boys little ways to flirt and flounce! ooh! I'll show you what shoes to wear! how to fix your hair!

Everything that really counts to be popular! I'll help you be popular! you'll hang with the right cohorts!

You'll be good at sports! Know the slang ya got to know! So let's start cause you got an awfully long way to go!

Don't be offended by my frank analysis! think of it as personality dialysis!

Now that I've chosen to become a pal, a sister, and advisor.

There's nobody wiser! Not when it's come to Popular! I know about popular! And with an assist from to be who you'll be, instead of dreary who you were! Well are!

There's nothing that can stop you from becoming popular!

Lar! La La La La! You'll be popular!

Just not quite as popular, as


We finished singing as we looked out at the empty audience.

I quickly giggled and hugged Matt as he picked me up and spun me around.

We then heard claps out of nowhere.

We released and looked out for who was inside.

It was pitch black in the audience, we couldn't see anyone.

"Bravo! Bravo!" we saw a man clapping coming out.

"Now who might of let you come onto a broadway stage?" he asked.

"Ourselves." I replied.

"Rude huh?" he asked.

"Well I recall that you asked us a question, and well sir, I answered it for you." I snapped.

"You have no clue who I am do you?" he asked.

"Does it even matter?" I said.

"I'm a broadway agent named Josh. I am one of the reasons why many broadway stars are well, broadway stars."

"What does it matter to us?" Matt asked.

"I have a proposition for you both."

"I want you guys to audition for a broadway show."

I swear I almost choked on my own spit.

"W-ha-t?" I asked.

"What kind of audition?" Matt asked.

"An audition for a broadway show called: Funny Girl." Josh replied.

"You are meaning to tell us," I paused pointing at Matt & I, "that you want us to audition for a broadway show called 'Funny Girl'?" I asked.

He nodded.

"What the hell is 'Funny Girl'?"

He handed us two flyers.

As he walked off he said,

"I'll see you at auditions!"

how we met⇄ matt espinosaWhere stories live. Discover now