sixteen: auditions

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June 4th, 2014

Breathe, breathe.

Steady breaths.

You got this.

I walked out from behind the backstage and stood in the middle looking out at the judge.

I was ready to sing.




3 days before Funny Girl Audition.
June 1st, 2014

"Lets go get some ice cream!" Matt yelled like a little child.

"We've got to practice for Funny Girl!" I exclaimed.

"Since when do you care to prepare? I thought you were just gonna wing it." Matt said.

"Wing it? Are you kidding me? This is a fucking broadway audition!" I reasoned.

"I know. But I didn't think you out of all people would actually prepare for it."

"Oh and your not?"

"Nah. I don't see why I should." he said.

"I'm gonna start laughing backstage when you forget the lyrics on stage." I said.

"I'm not gonna forget them. Anywhore, what song are you gonna sing?" he asked.

"Don't rain on my parade."

"I'm not trying to." he spoke.

"No dumbass! That's what song I'm singing."

"Oh." he replied.

I grabbed my keys and opened the front door.

"Where are you going?" Matt asked.

"Why, to get some ice cream of course!" I smiled.

He followed me to the car. I drove to the ice cream place.

I paid like usual, because Matt always forgets his wallet.

He probably owes me like $178.

We received our ice cream as we sat down and ate, we laughed at a joke Matt made.

I concentrated on Matt's laugh. It reminded me of something.

September 2013
9 months before Funny Girl Audition.

"Can you let go of me?" I asked. "If you forgive me, then yes." Matthew replied. "I already have though." I thought.

"I know you don't mean it." Matthew said.

"Because I don't care Matt! Why do you care? Why do you care so much for my forgiveness and stuff? What does it matter to you? " I yelled at Matthew.

"Because I care about you." he spoke with honestly. I froze. I looked at Matthew with confusion and finally said, "I forgive you."

Matthew let go of me and put his arm around my shoulder as we continued walking around Target.

We spent time getting to know each other, "So what's your favorite color,sport,hobby, and something you dislike?" I asked.

"I like blue, football, again football, and pickles. They are disgusting." Matthew spoke. I laughed at the face Matthew made as he said pickles.

"What about you?" Matthew wondered. "I like purple, soccer, and I hate people honestly." I said.

"You forgot the hobby part," Matthew paused.

how we met⇄ matt espinosaWhere stories live. Discover now