twelve: your slay king & queen

167 2 1

May 2, 2014

"Ladies and Gentlemen, your homecoming king is... Matthew Espinosa!" Everyone cheered as Matthew received his crown and everyone got silent to hear their homecoming queen.

"Your homecoming queen is... Victoria Espinosa! Huh that's weird.." The guy muttered. Thank god it's not me.

Victoria when up to the front to receive her crown. The crown was about to go on her until the announcer spoke up.

"Wait! I'm sorry! There has been some kind of mistake! The actual homecoming queen is... Andrea Russett!" Damn it! I spoke too soon!

I rolled my eyes as I could see Matthew smirking.

I went up to receive my crown it then was placed on my head.

"Now for the homecoming king and queen to dance together!" the announcer said.

No fucking way.

Not in a million years.

Not if Matt was the last boy standing on earth.

No way in hell.

"I know what your thinking Andrea." Matt whispered.

"Just pretend that you are at least satisfied with thee outcome." He whispered again.

I groaned taking his hand and literally pulling him to the dance floor.

I just wanted this to be over.

A slow song came on and Matthew then put his hand on my left hip then placed his left hand with my right hand, and my left hand was then placed on his shoulder.

It was awkward.

Too awkward.

"Is this some kind of joke?" I whispered.

"How would it be a joke?" Matthew asked.

"Because you're a joke that's why."

Matthew stayed silent.

As the song finished, Matthew quickly pecked my lips then went back to his crayon-faced date.


Why the fuck did he peck me?

Why can't he understand that I don't like him?

Sammy came back to me and sighed, "You like Matt huh?"


"I knew it." Sammy sighed.

"I shouldn't have tried with you. I knew I would've been heartbroken." Sammy spoke.

"Sammy I don't like Ma-"

"Save it Andrea. I don't won't to be in even more pain than I already am in."


"Please Andrea, Please."

I know it may seem like a bitchy thing to do, but I slapped him.

I slapped Sammy.

Everyone stopped dancing and looked at us.

"What are you staring at?! Keep dancing you dipshits!" I yelled.

I felt someone tug my arm.

Oh great, the vice principal, "Hey! You just don't do stuff like that!" she yelled at me.

"And you don't do stuff to students like tugging on their arm! And you know what I can do stuff like that!" I said as I slapped her.

"That's it! You're officially expelled!"

"Bitch I will cut yo-" Sammy then picked me up and I tried squeezing out of his arms.

"Let go of me!"

"Stop Andrea!"

"Let go of me you douche!" I yelled.

"No Andrea!"

"Hey! She said let go of her." Matthew cut Sammy off as he removed Sammy's arms from my waist, and punched Sammy.

Sammy stumbled back as he fell on the floor.

"I will fucking kill you!" Sammy yelled.

I grabbed Matthew's hand, and dragged him out the school.

We ran to his car as we gasped for air. "You okay?" I asked. He nodded, "Yourself?"

"Perfectly fine. Can we just get the hell out of here?"

We got in Matt's car and drove to the tree house.

We climbed up once we arrived and sat down.

I sighed. "How the fuck am I going to explain to my mom I got expelled?! She already hates me enough."

"She doesn't hate you Andrea." Matthew spoke.

"Of course you would say that. Because you don't understand!" I yelled laying down.

Matt laid down next to me. "Can we walk around time square?" he asked.

"Like right now?" I asked.



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