eleven: yes for winks

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April 24, 2014

Oh so the shitty story Matthew made up about Ashely? He almost dropped his lighter in the car, the lighter was on, and if he dropped it on the floor, the car would 'catch on fire' and he didn't see someone in the way.

The whole brick thing? Pretty much he said she fell on a brick that happened to be on the road.

What a stupid story.

Truth is, he didn't get expelled. Suspended instead, and had to go to court. So stupid right? Glad it wasn't me, because I'd be behind bars right now, because no one trusts sassy Andrea Russett.

I mean yes, okay I did admit it was me, but hey no one knows the whole story, except Matthew.

Sadly, I had to talk to him more, because I was now his 'friend'.

Worst week of my life.

God he would not leave me alone.

Today in science we had new seating arrangements. Thank god.

I no longer had to sit next to Matt. Instead I sat next to this kid called Sammy? Samuel Wilk I think it was? Trust me, god obviously loves me.

Sam is pretty hot.

Matthew sat all the way across the room from me, sadly he could still make eye contact with me, and get my attention somehow.

I got closer to this Sammy kid. He was chill. Turns out he's also close to Matthew.

April 25, 2014

Same old, same old. First period. Science.

I sat next to Sammy as he then started a conversation with me. "Hey Andrea I was wonderin-" his voice got cut off as I cringe, because I could feel Matthew staring at me.

"So is that a yes?" Sammy asked.

"I'm sorry what?" I snapped out of my thoughts.

The bell rang meaning class had started.

"Uh- I'll tell you later." Sammy said as his face turned red.


Mr.Davidson was talking on the projector as I zoned out of my thoughts. I looked across the room to see Matthew staring at me once again.

I decided to stare back. We kept eye contact - probably too long of an eye contact.

Then he did something that caused me to gag.

He winked at me.

I sat at my desk puzzled. He laughed at my reaction.

I rolled my eyes at him.

The bell than rang.

I got my stuff ready and surprisingly, Sammy waited for me at the door.

We both left the room and started to walk down the stairs.

As we walked down Sammy was by the rail and I was next to him. He then quickly spun me around and made me face him.

"Do you want to go to the school dance with me next Friday?" he grinned.

I was about to answer but Matt than put his arms around us while he placed himself in the middle.

"Hey guys, so how's it going?" he asked.

I shrugged his arm off of me.

Sammy spoke up. "I have to go to gym now bye guys." he then went another direction.

how we met⇄ matt espinosaWhere stories live. Discover now