twenty four: kathleen & lia

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•3 years ago•
Age 13

"Mom, Dad!" she yelled from the living room. Oh man! Im in deep trouble!

"Yes sweetie?" our mom said coming down the stairs.

"Andrea won't stop pulling my hair!" she said.

My older sister is such a baby. She's freaking sixteen and is complaining that a 13 year old is bugging her.

"Andrea, stop pulling on Kathleen's hair! She's your older sister! Show her some respect!" my mother exclaimed.

"She started it!" I explained.

"Andrea," she said looking me dead in the eye.

I sighed. "Sorry ma'am."

"Okay, you girls go ahead and brush your teeth, and get ready for bed." She said, pointing to the stairs.

"Yes ma'am." we both replied, and went upstairs to get ready for bed.

•2 years ago•
Age 15

"Lia! Stop messing with my stuff!" I said, standing up and walking to her. I pulled the box that she had in hands, and placed it back in my drawer.

"I was just curious. Being curious is a good thing you know? Curiosity is one of the main reasons why we are best friends." she smiled.

I looked down on her, and gave her a wide smile.

"Stop being such a dork." she laughed.

"At least I'm your dork." I smiled.

"In your dreams, Mr.Espinosa." she replied.

"You won't be saying that in a couple of years, Mrs.Espinosa."

We both looked at each other for while then started laughing.

"Mrs.Espinosa huh?" she asked.

I nodded.

"Well for now, you refer to me as 'Queen Lia' or 'Mrs.Johnson'." she said.

"Haha, okay Lia Marie."

She laughed, then wrapped her arms around my neck, and hugged me.

I put my arms around her and hugged her back.

"I love you Matt."

"I love you too Lia. I love you too."

My best friend is amazing.

•3 years ago•
Age 14

I looked over to my clock, 8:27 am.

Today is the day! Today is officially my birthday! I am now officially 14!

I got up from bed and went across the room to Kathleen's bed. I shook her shoulder.

"What?" she groaned.

"It's my birthday!"

"Cool. Now go back to bed." she said pulling the covers over her entire body.

I quickly pulled the covers off of her.

"Ugh! What Andrea?!"

"Forgetting something?" I raised my eyebrow.

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