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Some people say we became an over night success in New York.

Some say we've been best friends since we were babies.

Others say we acted the way we did because we were 'famous', and by I mean the way we 'acted' I mean acted to be best friends.

Some think we became actors because our parents were rich.

Some people say we bumped into each other.

Others think we were forced to know each other.

They always say, 'They met at a red carpet event.'

'They met when they were famous at the same time.'

But I wonder...

If they'd believe me,

That we actually met,

Right in a detention room.


•Year 2013•

Shit, I thought to myself.

Fourth time I have gotten detention in a week.

My parents are going to kill me.

I cussed at my teacher because I looked at my grade and saw I had a 47 in English.

Hell no was I going to except that grade, but my teacher wouldn't change it after I made a polite argument, but no she just had to throw a little bitch fit so I threw one back at her.

I made her cry with the words I threw at her, but who can I blame?

Certainly not myself.

She caused it, not me.

I groaned slugging my backpack to one side of my shoulder, closing my locker and heading to room 204, detention.

I sat down waiting impatiently for my teacher to arrive.

Waiting to hear her wicked voice saying, 'No talking, no eating, and certainly no using mobile devices!'

I was pretty much the only one here in this empty dark room.

But then arrived the wicked witch of the west.

"There's suppose to be two in this room." she said.

"Look around Miss," I paused waving my free right hand around the classroom, "I'm the only one in here."

"Indeed you are troublemaker," she squinted her eyes at me.

I was doodling some weird shit on my notebook when someone came in the room. I didn't bother to look up because I really did not care.

"Espinosa," the teacher paused.

"You're late." she finished.

"Indeed I am ma'am." he said.

Which caused me to smirk as I was still doodling in my notebook.

"I'm leaving right now."

"No talking!" she snapped.

"And I'm talking to you Matthew!"

"But especially you Andrea Rose Russet!"

I hated when people used my full name. After the teacher left, the guy next to me, referred to as Matthew, started cracking up.

"What's so funny?" I gritted through my teeth.

"She used your full name," he replied.

"And?" I said harshly.

"I-uh well, your full name, it's cute." he said.

I turned around to face him for the first time.

His dirty blond hair up in a quiff as he scratched the back of his neck turning slightly red.

Not gonna lie, he was attractive.

He was wearing a graphic tee with a blue 'thumbs up' tee and some Khakis and Vans.

"Aww did I make Matty blush?" I said.

"Oh shut it Rose,"

"Your a shithead," I said squinting my eyes at him.

"And your hot," he replied.

"Oh is that how you get a girl to like you?" I replied getting close to his desk and face.

"Nah, the girl already likes me, she just doesn't know it yet." he whispered getting close to my face that his nose was touching mine.

His beautiful hazel eyes staring straight into my brown eyes.

I backed away slowly, but in a swift motion his arm secured my waist,

"Oh baby don't try to run away from me yet," he whispered.

"The fun has just begun."

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