five: memories

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There was this one time where Taylor flirted with me, and Matthew got extremely jealous.


November 2013•

"Andrea!" Taylor yelled from the football field as the school game was over.

We won by far, and as I walked over to Taylor I gave him a little side hug. He greatly returned the hug back, as Matthew, also on the football team came jogging up to us.

"Hey guys what's up?" Matt asked.

"Nothing much," Taylor replied.

"Hey Andrea?" Taylor mumbled. "Hmm?" I questioned looking up at him. "I was wondering if you wanted to go to the Arctic Monkeys concert with me, I got general admission for two."

"Oh my god really?! I love Arctic Monkeys! Of course I'll go with you! When?" I said, "In a week," he replied.

Matthew coughed as he interrupted this little moment. "I'll see you guys later!" Taylor waved goodbye leaving the field.

Matt then started walking away angrily. "Hey wait!" I said grabbing his arm. "What?!" he yelled back at me.

"Never mind." I said turning around the other way. "Hey wait, I'm sorry Andrea." he said.

"Don't care." I mumbled. as I walked across the field.

I then felt Matt's arms wrapped around my waist as he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

"What? Hey! Put me down!" I protested, hitting his back.

"How about if I don't?" he replied. I groaned as he carried me wherever he was taking me.

He took me somewhere which seemed forever, "Where the hell are you taking me?! It's fucking midnight!" I yelled.

"You'll see," he said. I let out a small yawn, Matt set me down. "Get on my back." he said.

"I don't want too." I said. "Just do it." He said not really giving me an option.

I got on his back as I set my head on his shoulder, "You still feeling sleepy baby?" he asked.

"I'm not your baby." I mumbled. "Try not to fall asleep, we are almost there." he said.


We arrived to a little small tree house in the middle of nowhere.

Matt set me down as he told me to climb. I got inside and sat on the wood floor of the inside of the tree house. He then later sat down across from me.

"Why'd ya bring me here?" I asked. "I wanted to talk privately." he replied. "About what?" I questioned. "I don't know." I nodded unsure of what was going to happen next.

"When I was little my dad built this place for me," he opened up to me. "I always spent time here at night time to relax myself. I would sometimes sleep here. Now I come here to just get away from the world. I have never brought anyone to this place before." he said.

"So I'm the first person you brought up here?" he nodded. I felt somewhat special that I was the first person he brought to one of his childhood memories.

"I explained some parts of my childhood, now explain yours." he said.

"Well I mean I just lived a pretty ordinary childhood nothing special." I replied uncomfortable.

"Oh c'mon I explain my childhood and my dad. Maybe you should talk about your dad." he said.

I started sniffling. He noticed something was up, "Are you okay?" he asked. "Hmm?" I replied looking up at him then at the same time wiping my tears away I said, "Uh- yeah." I said.

"Was it something I said?" he asked. I sighed crying a little more, "My dad...he's in jail." I paused. "He's made some poor choices since my older sister Kathleen passed away." I said crying a little more. He quickly wiped away the tears.

"He would always rob something, he would do bad things." I sobbed.

"When my dad was sent to jail my mom sobbed that night. I saw her cry for the last couple of months when he was sent to jail for the first time. It hurt to see my mother cry, but at the same time, I feel like my father is the reason why I am so bad, and my mothers starts to dislike me now. Because I'm an irresponsible child." I cried.

"I've tried so many times to send him a letter, because I feel so bad for him, but every time I do, I never get the chance too because I get so scared and back out of sending him a letter."

Matthew then wiped my tears once again and embraced in a tight hug, "I'm here now." he kissed my forehead.

"Thank you." I whispered. I then later yawn. "You want to take a nap here?" I nodded. "I'll wake you up later." he said. I laid down and rested my head on Matt's lap.


The sun beamed up on Andrea's face from the craved wood window. Matthew woke up as he played with Andrea's hair then later woke her up.

"Hey Andrea?" he said softly. "Hmm?" she murmured. "Its morning." Andrea yawned and stretched out her arms as she got up from Matt's lap.

They both climb down the tree house as Matt went down first. Once Andrea almost reached the ground Matthew picked her up and put her gently on the ground.

Andrea looked at Matt and gave him a small little peck on the cheek. Matthew looked shocked at first, but gladly returned one back. They both smiled at each other.

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