Author's Note 1

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Hello, everyone. I just wanted to make a pre-warning for the next chapter. It does include some explicit activity that is not suitable for anyone under 18. 

You are able to skip this next chapter without it affecting the story what so ever and the chapter after that one should be up either by Late Saturday or early Sunday. 

I know that waiting pretty much sucks, but that's why I've been typing as fast as possible while still keeping the quality standards that I have set for myself.

Just a reminder, if you want to support me or my writing, I do have a ko-fi

And my birthday is next month on September 19th, so I've made an Amazon Birthday wish list

And please don't feel like you have to give me anything. Either way, I will still continue writing this story.

Love you all, and I hope you continue to enjoy my writing! <3


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