Where's my girl?

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(Hawks's P.O.V)

When I wake up, I immediately try to sit up only to find that I'm strapped down.

"Sir you need to stay down", says a paramedic.

"No", I yell, "She needs my help", and tear off the straps.

"Sir please", she says to me but I don't listen and get out of the ambulance.

As soon as I step out, I'm basically attacked by reporters who are continuously snapping pictures of me even though I'm covered in blood that isn't mine.

"Hawks can you tell us what happened here", a reporter screams in my face.

"Who was the girl bleeding out on you", screams another.

"Our viewers have a right to know what's going on", another yells.

"Get away from me", I say feelings completely nauseated.

"What was that", says a reporter who sticks a microphone in my face which I proceed to hurl on, making everyone back up.

The paramedics come back down and grab me before I pass out again.

The next time I wake up, it's early morning and I'm in the hospital.

"It's about time you woke up", says a familiar voice.

I look over and see her there, "Mirko", I say.

"Hey there bird boy", she says.

"Where is she", I ask her.

"I don't know", she says, "More than likely she's still in surgery."

All of a sudden, tears start running down my face, "That should've been me", I say.

"Hey", she says, "She did it because she loves you."

"What if I never see her again", I say, "She's the first person who loved me for me and not for some hero that I'm supposed to be. A useless hero that couldn't even save the love of his life!"

"Calm down Hawks", she says, "You had no control of that situation. The choice to get in the way was her's, not your's. Plus, you saved a young boy from whatever was going on in that place."

"I only did it because she asked me to", I say, "She risked her life to save his then sacrificed it to save mine. She's the real hero, I was just following orders."

A moment of silence falls over the room then a doctor in surgical scrubs walks in, "Good you're awake", she says, "I'm here to tell you that Nekuro Hoshi is out of surgery and is now in the recovery unit. She should be awake by later today."

I can't even say anything, I just burst into tears.

"Can we be allowed to see her", asks Mirko for me.

"Of course", she says, "I'll have a nurse bring you a chair right away", then leaves.

"See", says Mirko, "She's gonna be ok."

"Yeah", I say wiping the tears from my eyes.

A nurse then comes in with a chair, "Are you ready", he says.

"I'll take him", says Mirko then grabs the chair and brings it over to me, "C'mon you sentimental sparrow."

I slid out of bed, feeling all the bones in my body ache, but it doesn't matter because I get to see her.

Mirko wheels me all the way to the recovery wing, but, before I can even get to her, I get confronted in the hall way.

"You son of a bitch", yells Shinso while stomping towards me, "It's because of you that this happened to her."

Before he can get to me, Mirko gets between us, "Back off kid", she says.

"You're the reason why she got hurt", he yells, "What kind of Hero would let something like this happen?!"

"Shinso stop", says Midoriya coming to grab him by the arm.

"Yeah bro, this isn't manly", says Kirishima who grabs the other.

"He doesn't deserve to be here", yells Shinso.

"Yes he does", says Uraraka getting in front of him, "Like it or not, Miss. Hoshi loves him just as much as he loves Miss. Hoshi. So back off."

Shinso falls on his knees and starts crying his eyes out, "She's one of the few people who understands me", he says, "I want to be just like her and we almost lost her."

I get off my chair and down on the ground with him, "I know you don't like me", I say, "And I agree that it should've been me, but you know how she is. She would've taken that bullet for anyone else because that's the type of hero she is."

He sighs, "I just can't believe this happened", he says then leans into my shoulder.

I hold him up, "It's ok, she's ok now", I say, "Now you have to stay strong for her while she recovers. Do you think you could do that for her?"

He sits up, looks at me, and nods, "Yes sir", he says.

"Good", I say getting back up and holding my hand out to help him, "You're gonna make an amazing hero one day."

"Thank you sir", he says.

"It's not a problem", I say as I sit back down on the chair and Mirko wheels me towards her room.

"Now was that all talk", says Mirko, "Or are you gonna take your own advice?"

I think for a moment then say, "I'm gonna do whatever I can to help my girl recover."

"Good", says Mirko, "I didn't want to be to one who took care of your crying ass."

I laugh a little then she wheels me to Nekuro's room.

Once inside, I see Aizawa sitting there besides her, holding her hand and just staring at her.

"Hey", I say.

"Hey", he says still looking at her.

"How is she", I say now sitting on the other side.

"I don't know", he says letting a tear roll down his cheek, "We won't really know until she wakes up."

"I know", I say taking her other hand.

There's a moment of silence as Mirko steps out then Aizawa says, "You know I don't blame you Hawks. Knowing Nekuro, she would've done this for anyone."

"I know", I say, "She's the bravest girl I've ever met."

"It helps that she's fully in love with you", he says, "I've never seen her as happy as when she's with you."

"Thank you", I say, "You don't know how much it means to me hearing you say that."

We then just sit there looking at her for what feels like hours. Just watching her to see if anything changes, but she just sleeps, looking like an angel at peace.

At around noon, something changes. Nekuro starts to move around.

"She's awake", I say.

"Dad", she says and Aizawa gets closer to her.

"I'm here", he says.

She opens her eyes and looks at us both, but something is off. "W-who are y-you people", she says, "W-where's my dad...?"

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