His Mom

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(Hawks P.O.V)

I hold Tutenaka close as the fire department arrives and puts out the fire as best they can, but our house is basically in ashes now.

The EMT's who arrived with them are checking our vitals, but, thankfully, we're all fine. Including the cats.

Moments later, the police arrive. Unfortunately with them comes the press. Tutenaka stays with one of the paramedics as I give my statement to the police, but I can tell that the press is recording everything and taking every moment to snap pictures.

While I hate that they're here, thanks to them, the people who care about us were able to see and came as soon as they could.

Mirko, Aizawa, The Pussycats, and even Endeavor came. I couldn't call them all myself since my cell phone stayed inside the house.

"What the hell happened here Hawks", says Endeavor.

"And it better not be some lame excuse like leaving the stove on", says Mirko.

"We were attacked", I say, "That villain that goes by Dabi was inside my house and decided to burn it down just to get my attention."

"Get your attention", says Mirko, "For what?"

"To bring this to me", I say as I hold out the necklace.

Aizawa takes it and says, "Nekuro's necklace? But she never takes this off."

"According to him, it was to tell me not to look for her anymore", I say, "That she's with the league now."

"That's a bunch of bull shit", say Mirko, "You can't believe a single word a villain says."

"I don't", I say, "But I am afraid of what they are or could be doing to her. If you look at the necklace, you can see that part of it was burned."

"If anything, it's obvious that they won't kill her", says Endeavor, "Since she's so powerful, it's more like they need her for something."

"And they can't take her power like they did with me since their boss is in Tartarus", says Ragdoll.

"In any case, this just means that we need to find her sooner than later", says Mirko, "So count me in on the search for her."

"But you aren't fully healed yet", I say.

"And you think that's gonna stop me why", she says.

"Ok", I say.

"You and Tutenaka are staying with us at UA tonight", says Aizawa, "If he knew how to find you, then we need to keep you both safe for the night."

"Are the kitty cats coming with us too", says Tutenaka still holding both pet carriers.

"Of course", says Aizawa as he takes one from him, "Lets get you all into the car now."

"Ok", says Tutenaka as he takes Aizawa's hand and walks to the car.

"Try to get some rest Hawks", says Endeavor, "Even if it takes us all day, we're gonna find a lead and get Nekuro back."

"Thank you", I say.

As I walk to the car, however, it happens again. An explosion goes off, setting what was left of our home in blue flames.

I close the door and say, "Stay here little one."

"Dad please don't", he yells back while trying to open the door.

"I'll be fine little one", I say, "Just stay here."

"You think I'm done with you bird brain", yells Dabi.

"You already burned our house down", I yell back, "What else do you want with me?"

"I want you to die and hand over that kid", he says.

I stay standing in front of the car and say, "What the hell do you want with my son?"

"Your son", he says as he laughs, "I'm pretty sure that's my kid now."

"What are you talking about", I say.

"Do I have to spell everything out for you", he says, "He belongs to her and she belongs to me now."

"There's no way she'd ever be with someone like you", I yell.

"She has been before", he says, "As soon as she saw that her thought to be long lost lover was alive, she came crawling right back to me."

I look as him confused for a moment, then both Endeavor and Aizawa step in front of me.

"Turn yourself in Toya", Endeavor says, "There's still time, we can fix this son."

Dabi laughs then says, "You really think I'd listen to you, you horrible excuse for a father? You don't even have the right to call me by that name anymore."

"Then stop talking and start fighting", says Aizawa.

"Well if it isn't the Sensei who threw me out of his class for plying 'too rough' with his favorite student", says Dabi, "Or should I call you her father now? You know, it's thanks to me that you got to adopt her anyway, since I'm the one who sent her address to the rest of the class."

"YOU DID WHAT", yells Aizawa.

"You didn't let me get to her, so I thought I would send some people that could", he says, "It's just so sad that they got to her grandmother instead of her. I actually kind of liked the old lady."

"You're the piece of shit that tried to burn her eyes out", I yell.

"And the bird brain catches on", he says, "Took you long enough."

"You're the reason that she never trusted anyone anymore", I say, "Why she always thought it was better for her to be alone. So I know for a fact that she would never go back to you. Someone who treated her like she was a belonging instead of a human being and the wonderful loving woman she is."

I see as his eyes darken then he says, "Then let's see who she'd rather be with once you're dead!"

Before he's able to throw a fire ball at me, Aizawa erases his quirk.

"You're so annoying", Dabi yells, "But I know that you can't hold that gaze forever."

"But just long enough for me", says Mirko running so fast at Dabi that he doesn't have a chance to react, and kicking him in the head so hard that she knocks him out.

"Where the hell did you come out of", I yell to her.

"I'm sorry", she says, "When the explosion happened, it's triggered a bit of PTSD I got from what happened at the Gala, so I ran. But I heard everything you all were saying, and came back as fast as I could."

"Well I'm glad you did", I say flying over to her, "Now lets get him bound before he causes more damage.

"You worthless heroes", we all hear Dabi slowly say as he starts coming to.

I grab Mirko and fly us back away from him, "How is he still up", I say.

"I don't know", she says, "I swore I knocked him out."

Dabi get's back on his feet but he's swaying back and for forth and slurring his words as he says, "I won't be defeated by a bunch of wanna be heroes."

We all take a stance, ready to fight him, when something unexpected happens. 

Out of nowhere, a small bolder flies at Dabi and hits him right in the head, now knocking him out cold for sure.

"That's for messing with my family", I hear Tutenaka say as he stares down at Dabi with the same look Nekuro gets when she's mad.

"How the hell is that kid so powerful", says Mirko shocked.

"He's my son", I say as I fly over to him and pick him up, "And he's as amazing as his mom."

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