Her Injures

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(Hawks's P.O.V)

"What do you mean she doesn't remember you", says Mirko as we wait outside Nekuro's room.

"She didn't recognize me nor Aizawa", I say, "I know she hit her head pretty hard but I never expected this would happen."

The doctor who operated on her steps out of her room.

"How is she Doctor", I ask.

"The amnesia is being caused by some swelling in her brain", she says, "It's called a Cerebral Edema and it's mostly in her frontal lobe, which is what controls all of her memories."

"Can it be cured", asks Aizawa.

"Oh yes", she says, "She should be back to normal soon. In the mean time we have to monitor her and we suggests that someone stays with her at all times."

"We weren't planning on leaving her alone ever", I say, "But why?"

"Depending on her memories, she could have a very bad emotional reaction", she says, "Plus she isn't aware about what her quirk is or how to use it. Once she discovers it, it could be catastrophic."

Aizawa and I exchange a look and he says, "We'll stay by her side at all times."

"Glad to hear it", she says, "Please let the nurses know if you need me for anything", then leaves.

"This is bad", I say to Aizawa.

"Very", he says.

"Wait", says Midoriya, "Why is this bad?"

"You guys don't know Miss. Hoshi's past", says Shinso, "Right now she may look like she has the mind of a normal child, but once those memories start coming back, we might have even have to tie her down."

"What", says Kirishima shocked, "There's no way it could be that bad."

"No, he's right", says Aizawa, "We might even need to use our quirks against her so she doesn't hurt anyone."

"No way", says Uraraka, "We can't do that to Miss. Hoshi."

"Aizawa", I say, "We're gonna have to tell them if we want their help."

He sighs then says, "Fine, but you're gonna have to tell it since it's freshest in your mind. I'll jump in if there's anything missing."

"Mirko", I say looking at her, "If you're gonna help then you have know too."

"Alright", she says, "I'm listening."

I start telling them all about Nekuro's past. Her lineage, how her abilities and quirk first manifested, everything that happened during her time in UA, and what happened when we first met.

"And that basically catches us up to now", I say, "Do you all see what can happen when she gets her memories back?"

"I knew her back story must've been sad", says Midoriya, "But I didn't think it would be that bad."

"Yeah", says Uraraka with tears in her eyes, "Is that why she always has her arms covered up?"

"Yeah", says Aizawa, "Seeing the scars from the shackles reminds her of how she was kept captive."

"I'm just surprised that she doesn't have nightmares every night", says Midoriya

"She used to", says Aizawa, "And they might comeback after this."

"Man this sucks", says Kirishima, "Miss. Hoshi shouldn't have to re-live through all that pain."

"Life isn't always fair", says Aizawa, "Unfortunately for her, it's been hell, but we're here now to help her through it."

Kirishima sighs, "Your right", he says, "Let's be strong for Ms. Hoshi!"

"Yeah", says both Uraraka and Midoriya.

"Hello", I hear Nekuro say from inside, "Is someone out there?"

"Show time", I say, "Remember, she's has a mind of a child right now and doesn't know who we are so stay calm."

Aizawa opens the door, "Hello little one", says Aizawa."

"Hello", she says with a smile, "Who are you?"

"Just think of me as a friend", he says, "Would it be ok to let my other friends in?"

"Ok", she says, "Is the man with the wings here too?"

"Yes, he's right here", says Aizawa and makes room to let me in.

"Hello there", I say, "Do you know who I am?"

"I remember seeing you in a dream", she says, "I called you my Angel."

I sigh. I can't believe that the first thing she remembers is calling me her angel. "Yes sweetie", I say, "I'm your Angel."

I hear some snickering in the back from Mirko and the kids. I guess Nekuro told them about what she calls me. "Would you like to meet some other friends", I ask her.

"Ok", she says.

Mirko and the other kids walk in, "Hello", says Mirko

"Wow", says Nekuro to Mirko, "You're pretty."

"Aww", says Mirko, "Thank you, but I'm not as pretty as you."

I give Mirko a glance because I know how she is.

She sticks her tongue out at me then says to Nekuro, "So who do you think is the prettiest in the room?"

"That's easy", says Nekuro, "My Angel is the prettiest."

I stick my tongue out back at Mirko then say to Nekuro, "We have some other kids here. Would you like to meet them too?"

"Yeah", she says excitedly.

The kids step up, "Hello there", says Uraraka.

"Hi", says Nekuro happily.

"We're here to keep you company", says Midoriya.

"Ok", she says still with a big smile.

A moment later there's a knock on the door and the doctor steps in, "Excuse me", she says, "Hawks, may I speak to you for a moment?"

"Ok", I say then turn to Nekuro, "I'll be right back sweetie."

"Ok Angel", she says and I wheel myself out.

Once outside of the room, I ask, "So what is this about?"

"We have an issue", she says, "It's nothing medical but we do need your help."

"What's going on Doctor", I ask.

"The media is outside of the hospital", she says, "The police is outside keeping them from getting inside, but they won't leave until they speak to you."

I sigh, I'm starting to realize why Aizawa and Nekuro both hate the media so much, "Alright", I say, "I'll need a change of clothes first, but I'll go meet them outside."

"Your friend did bring you some", she says, "They should still be in your room which I can take you back to."

"Let's go then", I say and she wheels me to my room.

Hopefully Nekuro will be alright while I'm gone.

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