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(Purgatory's P.O.V)

"Please no", I say, "Don't do this Toya-"

Before I can say anything else, he slaps me across the face and yells, "Don't you dare call me by that name again kitten! That boy is dead! Now shut up and take your punishment!"

As he starts gnawing  on my neck and unbuttoning my shirt, I close my eyes and lay still.

With my eyes covered and my arm shackled behind me, there's nothing I can do to defend myself, so I let it happen.

I start to disassociate with my senses. A technique that I learned so that if I was ever captured, I could not be tortured like I am right now.

Although I can feel the pressure from him biting at my chest as he presses up roughly against me, I show no emotion and stay absolutely still.

I can still hear him say obscenities about my body, but I don't respond.

Once I hear him start unbuckling and lowering my pants, I let myself start to wonder so that my mind can go somewhere else.

When I open my eyes again, I'm no longer in the same place, but one that I've seen before.

I see a beach the stretches for miles with almost white sand and a crystal blue ocean.

"Hello Nekuro", I see a man with messy red hair say as he approaches me, "Or should I call you Purgatory now?"

"Who are you supposed to be", I say.

"Well I can be whoever you want", he says, "In this case you chose to see me."

"Dad", I say, "Is it really you."

"Yes sweetie", he says, "It's really me."

I feel myself lose my footing a bit and land on the sand, "But how", I say.

He sits down next to me and says, "You got so many memories back from that head injury that you received, and I came back with them."

"If that's true", I say, "Then where are we supposed to be right now?"

"Playa del Carmen in Yucatan, Mexico", he says, "Only without anyone else here. I brought you here on your birthday when you turned 4 years old."

"This was the last happy memory I had", I say, "Before what they did to you."

"Don't think about that", he says, "Just enjoy your time here."

I sigh and look back out to the ocean, "I want to come back here", I say, "Once I find my way out of this, I want to come back."

"You better", he says, "Even in spirit, I want to meet my grand children."

"Grand 'Children'", I say, "You only have one right now."

"Are you sure about that", he says while raising an eyebrow.

"Are you serious", I ask confused, "Am I really?"

"Do I look like someone who would lie to you", he says with a smile.

"Do you really want me to answer that", I say with a grin.

"Ok, ok", he says, "But I'm not lying about this."

I laugh but then I think of something and my smile fades, "Is it going to be his though?"

"That little girl isn't growing wings for no reason", he says.

I smile again and rub my stomach, "So I have a little angel inside me."

"Yes", he says, "Which is why you need to survive this, no matter what."

"He'll come for me", I say, "He's always been able to find me."

"That won't be enough", he says, "You'll need to protect yourself and wait for an opportunity to escape."

"I know that", I say, "And I will."

"Good", he says, "Someone is coming close. You need their help."

"But isn't it just another villain", I say.

"Listen to me", he says, "These people will hate what they see and will try to protect you even if they are villains. The bad part is that you'll have to betray them at some point. So wake up and scream and cry as loud as you can."

"Ok", I say, "Before I do, will I ever get to see you again."

"Sweetie", he says, "I'll always be with you."

"Thank you", I say then take in a deep breath.

As I let it out, all the pain my body has gotten starts to hit me. Various burns, bruises, and scratches cover me.

I bite my tongue until I hear it. Foot steps coming close.

I start to scream. Scream so loud that even Dabi stops to cover his ears.

All of a sudden, the door violently swings open and she comes in.

The girl who once wanted to hurt me is now looking at what's going on in front of her and is completely horrified.

"Get out of here crazy", says Dabi, "I'm not done with her yet."

I watch as her eyes change and fix on Dabi, "Get off of her", she says.

"I said get-", Dabi starts to say before he get cut off by Toga stabbing him in the stomach.

"I SAID GET OFF OF HER", she screeches.

I quickly back away as every one else runs into the room.

"What the he-", Shigaraki starts to say then cuts himself off when he realizes what must've been happening, "YOU FUCKING MORON", he yells at Dabi.

"This doesn't concern you", Dabi yells as he pushes Toga away.


"You really think I would agree to do anything for you", says Dabi as he buttons up his pants, "She was all mine from the beginning."

"You little mother fu-", Shigaraki starts to say before he's cut off.

"Tomura Shigaraki", says Kurogiri, "A fight in these closed quarters would only hurt the girl. She'll be trapped in this room while flames consume her."

"Then get this flaming pile of trash out of my sight", says Shigaraki.

I hear as Kurogiri opens a warp gate on the other side of the room, "It'd be best if you left on your own", he says.

"Fine", he says as he starts to leave, "But I'm keeping a little souvenir."

"GET OUT", I hear Toga yell.

"It's not like I wanted to be here anyway", he says as he leaves and Kurogiri closes the warp gate behind him.

I hear quick footsteps as Toga grabs my cape from the floor and covers my naked and badly hurt body. "I'm sorry", she says, "We'll get you all fixed up."

"We wanted an ally", says Shigaraki, "Not this."

"He didn't burn your eyes did he", Toga asks.

"No", I say, "But I think he burned my neck."

"We can fix you up", she says, "I'll go get the medical kit", then runs off.

"We'll find you some clothes", says Kurogiri as both him and Shigaraki walk out.

As I sit there and take account of how many wounds I have on my body and I realize something. 

Dabi took my necklace.

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