Little one

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(Purgatory's P.O.V)

As soon as we got back to the room, Recovery Girl is already there waiting for me.

"I thought you were done with getting yourself in harms way once you graduated", she says.

"Sorry", I say as I get back on my bed.

"And you should be in a wheel chair, not walking around with those kinds of wounds", she scolds me.

"I'm sorry", I say again, "You know how much I don't like being in one."

"I know child", she says, "Now c'mon, let's heal you up."

She uses her quirk to fully close up the wound that was left after the surgery and I don't have to wear bandages anymore, but I'll still have a scar which I'm ok with.

"There you go", she says, "You should stay in bed for a while since you're gonna feel weak for a bit, but you should be able to go home tonight."

"Thank you Recovery Girl", I say.

"No need to thank me", she says, "Just take care of those students of yours so they don't get too hurt anymore."

"I will", I say.

"Good", she says, "I'll see you back at school then", and leaves.

Aizawa follows her out to talk with her, so now it's just Hawks and myself in my room.

He walks over to the side where my scar is and touches it carefully, "I'm sorry", he says, "If I was a better man, I would've never let this happen to you."

"Hey", I say as I take a hold of his hand, "This is not your fault. I'm the one who wanted to save you. If anything think of this scar as prof of how much I love you."

He smiles and says, "I'm gonna find a way to prove to you how much I love you too."

"Angel", I say, "You've been showing me that for the longest time now. Even when I didn't want to accept it."

"Still", he says, "I'm gonna give you prof."

"Ok", I say, then we both hear a knock on the door.

"Excuse me", says a nurse, "I'm sorry to interrupt but there's someone who wanted to see you."

From behind the nurse, the boy we saved waves at us.

"Hello sweetie", I say, "You can come in."

As soon as I say that he runs to my side and hugs me.

"You can leave him here", says Hawks, "We'll watch over him."

The nurse bows and leaves.

"You can come up here if you want sweetie", I say and he climbs up.

Hawks sits down on the bed, "Hey there little one", he says, "How are you feeling?"

"Good", he says timidly.

"Are you ready to tell us your name", I ask.

"Tutenaka", he says hiding his face.

"Do you have a last name", asks Hawks.

"I don't know it", he says, but I can tell that he's lying.

Either way, I rather not press him for it so instead I ask, "Do you know where your parents are?"

"My mom didn't want me", he says, "not after my dad died. So she left me on the streets", he then starts to cry.

I hold him close and Hawks holds his hand, "Shh, it's ok sweetie", I say, "We got you, don't worry."

"We're not leaving you alone any time soon little one", says Hawks.

"But you're heroes", he says, "Don't you have to work?"

"Right now, you're all we're gonna care about", I say as I wipe his tears.

"And, if we do get called out", says Hawks, "You'll still be safe because someone we trust will take care of you."

"Can't I go with you", he asks.

"I'm sorry sweetie", I say, "Some of the missions we go on are very dangerous and we wouldn't want you to get hurt like we did."

"What if I became a hero", he says, "Then could I go with you?"

"If you can do that", says Hawks, "Then definitely, but it's gonna be a lot of hard work."

"I can do it", he says excitedly, "When can I start?"

"Well", I say, "First you have to go to school, then, when you're old enough, you'll go to a hero school."

His excitement drops and he says, "But I've never been to school..."

"Hey, it's ok", says Hawks, "I never went to a real school."

"And I was basically home schooled when I went through my hero school", I say.

"Can I be home schooled too", he asks.

"You could be", says Aizawa as he walks in.

Tutenaka then tries to hide behind me.

"It's ok", I say to him, "He's not gonna hurt you."

Tutenaka just stays quiet while still staring at Aizawa.

"It's ok", says Aizawa as he kneels down to be at eye level with Tutenaka, "I'm the once who home schooled Purgatory. I'm also the one who adopted her when she had no where else to go."

"Really", he asks.

"Really", says Aizawa, "And I'm currently teaching another little girl that's around your age that could use a friend."

"I've never had a friend before", he says, "My dad always told me that I needed to stay away from everyone."

"Why would he say that", I ask.

"He said people would try to hurt me if they knew who I was", he says, "So he kept me locked up in my room."

"Well", I say, "I can promise that no one will hurt you as long as we're here."

He smiles, "Thank you", he says.

"If you'd like", says Aizawa, "Purgatory is gonna be able to go home soon. Since you're coming with us, you can also meet the little girl who's gonna be your friend."

"Yes please", he says excitedly.

"Then lets go get your things from your room", says Aizawa as he holds his hand out.

"Ok", he says as he takes Aizawa's hand and jumps off of the bed.

"Have fun you two", I say as they leave the room.

Hawks takes my hand and says, "You want to keep him, don't you?"

"I do", I say, "But I don't know if it would be possible."

"How come", he asks me.

"I'm living in the dorms right now", I say, "In order to adopt a child, you'd need to have your own home, a stable source of income, and a co-parent. I only have 1 out of 3."

"You have me", he says, "And I have my own home."

"Hawks", I say, "What are you trying to say."

"I'm saying I've decided what I want to give you to prove that I love you", he says then gets off of the bed and down on one knee, "Nekuro Hoshi, will you marry me?"

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