Ch 18: UA Sports Festival; Part 5: A Memorable Finale...

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Izuku's POV:

The Sports Festival; An event to showcase what you're made of to the world. During these past few hours, new enemies and allies were created. Hard battles were endured, and injuries were sustained. Everyone was giving it their all... to stand at the top. All Might's words resonated in my mind. 'So go out there and show the world what you're made of, and tell them all the phrase, 'I Am Here.' I'm carrying all that was left to me, everyone's wishes are going to be fulfilled... and I'm not going to let them down. I have someone who's waiting for me when I finish this thing anyways, and I'm not going to fail now.

Well that was a cool monologue, but I'm getting kind of excited for this final battle to start. Sure I've fought against Kacchan many times before... and won all of them, but who knows? Maybe he'll have a new trick up his sleeve waiting for me. It's clear he doesn't match up to me in destructive power or speed, but he's a cunning fighter I'll give him that. The one thing that holds him back though... is his anger. I really need to fix that for the guy, imagine becoming a hero with such temper issues... he'll become as bad as  Endeavor. As I was thinking about Kacchan, I saw the explody boy walking in my direction. 'Speak of the devil.'

"I'll beat you." He said, brushing my side as he continued to walk forward. Not the reaction I was anticipating but... I'm not complaining. Guess the pressure of losing in front of millions of people is getting to him. The guy literally hates losing, so I wouldn't even be able to fathom what he'd feel when he does lose today. 'Woah nice vocabulary Izuku!'

It took me two minutes to get to main arena. It was jaw dropping sweeping my eyes across the stadium. It was full to the brim, and when I walked out, the whole place erupted in cheers. It feels good knowing people are actually rooting for you. I stretched for awhile close to the entrance, waiting for my opponent to show. While I did this, I caught a gleam coming from the teachers section of the stands. 'All Might... I'll win this for you... and yes for you too Itsuka.' I raised my fist in All Might's direction, and I saw him do the same. Even though I wasn't his direct successor, it sure felt like it. I'll be there to help Itsuka fill All Might's shoes... maybe not as her partner, but as a good friend... and the best friendships transcend lifetimes. (If you get that I love you.)

"It seems Katsuki Bakugou hasn't shown up yet... If he doesn't show up in the next two minutes, he will have to forfeit the match!" I heard midnight announce. Bad move, now that crowd is booing. What is taking Kacchan so long anyways, although he didn't seem very enthusiastic when he passed me. Maybe he is scared... no that can't be it, Kacchan never gets scared! Even when facing me, which is a pretty good feat considering I'd be scared of my own stand if I was any other person.

Midnight seemed to be tapping her watch as she walked up to the podium, "Two minutes are up, therefore Katsuki Bakugou has-"

"I'M HERE SO SHUT THE FUCK UP!" A very loud Kacchan shouted as he shot out of the hallway.

"Well that wasn't very gentleman-like..." Midnight deadpanned as she watched the boy shoot forward like an explosion. "It seems Katsuki Bakugou wasn't scared after all so there's no need to forfeit!"


"Alright then, Izuku Midoriya, you may make your way up to the stage!" I complied, taking a deep breath as I strolled my way to the steps that would lead me to the stage. Each stride I took lessened my anxiety, and converted it into resolve as I stared at my opponent with a smirk. For some reason though, the boy didn't return it.

"Are both fighters ready?"

"Yeah!" I shouted while Kacchan kept quiet, just nodding his head. "THEN MAY THE FINAL MATCH BEGIN!"

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