Ch 10: Go Beyond Your limits!

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*Imagine the pic above with Izuku instead of Doppio*

Izuku's POV:

The first week of school was over, and I'm going to be honest, it's been pretty great so far. Being in Aizawa's class has its perks, he would sometimes finish early and fall asleep, and when he did teach us, he taught very well. I've made some pretty good friends with my classmates so far, and we've gotten much closer in a one week span, well everyone except for Kacchan and that quiet guy Todoroki.

I haven't really talked to Kendo since I left that other day, we'd mostly just acknowledge each other in the hallways, but we usually sit away from each other during lunch with our own groups. I've really wanted to hang out with her, but she seems so busy with school, so I'll just leave her be. Anyways, school has been pretty ordinary. Core classes like math, science, english, etc. are usually after homeroom, but they're so boring... The finally class for the day is the best one though... Heroics, attended by both class 1a and 1b at the same time. And guess who taught that class?

"I AM HERE! COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON, UGH! Don't mind me... just got stuck in the door way... NO MATTER!" All Might boomed as he squeezed through the door. "I need to lose some pounds..." All Might grumbled, sweeping his eyes across the room. He looked at all the students, who seemed to be brimming with excitement.

"Woah... All Might!" Kaminari exclaimed.

"It really is All Might!" A guy with spiky hair and a blue striped headband shouted

"So he's the heroics teacher? This year is gonna rock!" Kirishima pumped his fist up.

"Interesting..." An inverted dude next to me mumbled to himself.

"Isn't that his silver age costume? How cool!" Asui declared as everyone began muttering about how cool All Might is.

Jotaro just tipped his hat as he put his head down with a groan.

Two people in particular however, were only facepalming at their mentors actions, those people being me and Kendo. We sat at opposite corners of the room for some reason.

"YES! IT IS I, ALL MIGHT READY TO TEACH YOU HEROING 101!" All Might boomed as he stood in front of the class. "This class is where you shall learn the basics of being a pro hero and fight for justice! Today we're going to do...


"Battle..." I began,

"Training!" Kendo exclaimed as the whole class erupted.

"FUCK YES!" The explosion boy shouted as everyone began cheering.

"Well, one of the many perks of being a pro hero is looking good! Here are the costumes that were designed for you by a special costume support company, and they have been modeled after what you sent in with your quirk registration form!" All Might explained as he pressed a button on a remote, and out came 40 slots, all containing a name. "Get suited up AND MEET ME OUTSIDE AT TRAINING GROUND BETA SO WE CAN GET STARTED. ALL MIGHT IS OUT!" All Might shuffled back through the door, barely squeezing through while everyone sweatdropped.

This is Izuku's costume:

This is Izuku's costume:

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The Hero Beyond the Gears of Time (Izuku x Kendo)Where stories live. Discover now