Chapter 1: A Young Girl's Life

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It was at sunrise her father returned from his long journey. The young girl had missed him terribly as he was the only parent she had left, her mother having died in child birth.
The Mattel family had originally moved to the Russian Empire from England years before Beatrice's birth, but while her father was a wealthy man, he still traveled often for business.
Now he had finally made his way back home from his latest travel to England, bringing with him the Baroness Irina Grigoryevna of House Naryshkina, who's english husband had passed away years before, and her two daughters Violet and Courtney. 

"Oh Kasha, it feels just like Christmas. I get a mother and sisters all in one day." The blonde child said excitedly.

"Yes, it's gonna very exciting around here, with a Baroness and all." The older woman replied as she dressed the girl in her finest frocks to get her ready to meet her new family members, groaning in annoyance when the girl ran away from her to view her new dress in the mirror.

"The Master deserves some happiness after all this time, bringing up a child on his own." The other maid, miss Tempest spoke.

"I hope she likes me." The young girl said innocently.

"Oh, she will love you, Beatrice. Just be the little angel we know is in there somewhere." Mrs Davis replied as she poked the young child's nose to bring a smile to the nervous girl's lips.

Just then rocks hit the window of the girl's bedroom, making the blonde run to see who it was.

"Child! Your father arrives any moment." miss Tempest said, but the girl payed her no mind as she saw her friend Ron standing beneath the window. 

"Ron, I told you; not today!" The girl yelled out to him to make sure he heard her well.

"Trixie? You look like a girl!" He yelled in surprise. Beatrice Mattel would often wear boys' clothing when the pair went on their adventures, so the young farmhand had rarely seen her all dressed up.

"That's what I am you halfwit!" She responded.

"Yeah, but today you look it!"

"Well boy or girl, I can still whip you!" She yelled as she ran out of the room before the maids had any chance to stop her, chasing after her friend to teach him a lesson.

When the Master of the House returned home, all servants and maids stood at the ready, but Harold Mattel noted that his daughter was nowhere to be seen.

"Welcome home Master, I hear you've brought us a Baroness." Mr. Davis spoke as he greeted his employer.

"I've brought you an entire household Steven, but I seem to be missing a daughter." The man replied.

Just then the carriage door opened, revealing a young dark haired girl dressed in black and another young child with blonde hair dressed in blue, before an older woman who carried herself with regal poise stepped out of the small door.

"Oh Harold, it's absolutely charming." The woman spoke as she viewed the large country home made of stone which also served as a small farm, the sound of chickens audible for anyone to hear as they entered the premises.

"Papa!" A young girl covered in mud yelled as she ran into her father's arms.

"Oh Trixie, look at you, you look just as you did when I left. I wager your friend Ron is around here somewhere." The man laughed as he viewed his daughter.

"No Sir, I slaughtered him!" She said excitedly, her father laughing harder as she saw her friend in a far worse state than the young girl was in, the poor boy drenched in mud from head to toe.

"You know, I had hoped to present a little lady, but I suppose you'll have to do." He teased as he kissed the top of her head lovingly. "Trixie, may I present the Baroness Irina Grigoryevna of House Naryshkina, and her daughters Violet and Courtney." The man added, pointing to the three, showing Trixie that the blonde was Courtney, whilst the brunette was Violet.

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