Chapter 24: The Harsh Hand of A Tsar

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Times were just as grim at the palace, for whilst Katya thought her accepting to marry Nicole of France was enough to make up for her mistakes, the Emperor had quite other plans.

"I will have no more of your controversies dirtying the name of the crown, Yekaterina." Her father spoke harshly.

"What do you mean? I have already agreed to marry Nicole, you've gotten your way. You have won." Katya replied, wondering how it all got so out of control. 

How did she loose her heart to an impostor?

"Have I? Do you think I wanted your improper and childish view of love at a royal function? Showcased for all the world to see? You already tested me by demanding to marry a woman, but what you have done now, Katya, this I will not allow. Do you realise that you have dragged the Romanov name through the mud? You should be on your knees begging your mother and I for forgiveness. You should be grateful that I do not remove you from the family tree. No, your wedding will merely be the first step. You will marry Nicole and then you will leave for France so these rumors may die, so the House of Romanov may regain it's glory. Some day you may return if, and only if, I see you fit to be my successor, otherwise you will stay there for the rest of your days." The Tsar said.

"Papa, you can not mean this. You can not force me out of the country!" Katya said, feeling like an innocent child.

"Enough Yekaterina!" Her father yelled as he slammed his hand down on the table before him, making the young girl jump in surprise. "It is decided, you brought this on yourself. I have tried to meet you halfway but you have brought shame upon us all. You will leave Russia, that is final." He added before exiting the room, not willing to listen to any counterarguments.

Katya turned to the Empress, feeling helpless and small, and in need of her mother's assistance.

"Mama please, help him see reason." She begged.

"I will try, my darling. But I fear that this time, I may not be able to mend things. I am sorry, Kathinka." Her mother spoke sadly. Yekaterina threw herself into her mother's embrace, crying into her shoulder as the woman tried to soothe the child.

Days later the bed chamber of the Grand Duchess was packed, the chests and travel bags already in carriages that would leave for France straight after the girl's wedding. Yekaterina viewed the empty room, already dressed to be wed, the weight of her wedding dress heavier as the reality of her misfortune hit her fully.

"Your Highness, everything is ready for you." A young girl told her.

"Please, tell the coachmen to hold the horses. Tell them to stay, I pray you. Let me at least have a moment more. Let me have more time to say my goodbyes." Katya begged the maid.

"I shall, Your Imperial Highness." The girl replied as she left to inform the men to wait.

Katya took in the view from her bedroom window one last time as she felt sorrow fill her.
As flawed as her country was, her beloved Russia was all she had ever known.
How could she desert it? Leave the country that had raised her?
How could she go knowing she might never return?
How could she leave behind the beautiful bridges, flowing rivers, deep forests and bountiful orchards? How could she say goodbye to her homeland?

"I have informed them, my lady." The maid said as she returned to the Grand Duchess's bedroom.

"I thank you, miss."

"Are you alright, Your Highness?" The girl asked.

"Yes, I am fine. It just feels strange to leave it all behind. As many times as I have tried to escape this golden cage, I do not think I actually considered how hard it would be to forget it all. How difficult it would be to move somewhere I have never gone before. Through all the heartache Russia has brought me, I think I will still bless my homeland till the day I die." Yekaterina replied, for once enjoying the feeling of sharing her most honest thoughts, even with a servant.

Perhaps the young woman Katya loved so much, despite her grave deception, had impacted the princess more than she herself had understood. 

Perhaps the wounds of deceit could still be healed.

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