Chapter 28: As Morning Rises

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"Wake, my sweet." The Grand Duchess told her wife, who layed asleep beneath the sheets. Katya let her fingers grace the soft skin of the woman who layed bare beside her, urging her to awaken.

"It is still night." The girl said sleepily.

"It is dawn, my love, and we promised to be at the library by midday." Yekaterina replied in amusement as she started to get out of bed. 

"We still have time, come back to bed." Trixie said sweetly, reaching up to grab hold of her wife's arm. 

"Trixie, we must be on our way." Katya tried once more.

"Lover, we have time, and they will all understand should we be late." The brown eyed woman spoke as she sat up, kissing Katya's bare back, urging her to return.

"Oh, you are a coldhearted siren." Yekaterina moaned as the girl nipped her skin and reached her arms around her, touching the most private areas of the other woman.

"And you love me for it, so return to bed." Beatrice argued. 

Katya could resist no further, and so she made her way back to the mattress. Quickly she had gotten Trixie on her back below her, her hands caressing the other woman, fingers skimming her skin, lips worshipping her body. 

Their lips met in passion as Yekaterina's hand traveled down, her fingers slipping inside the Goddess beneath her, every moment making it clear that it was an action driven most of all by love, not by lust.

The Grand Duchess situated herself on top of Beatrice's full thighs, grinding down and chasing her peak as she coaxed the siren towards hers. Soon euphoria found them both, sweet nothings and declarations of love being spoken as they worked their way through their highs. 

"We are going to be late." Yekaterina spoke with a giggle after a while.

"They can wait, surely we deserve as much as a quiet morning so soon after our wedding?" Trixie said, leaning over and placing a soft kiss on Katya's shoulder. The Grand Duchess wrapped her arms around her, pulling the beautiful girl close, reveling in the fact that this was her life from now on.

It was early evening by the time they reached the library, but just as Beatrice had predicted, no one had minded the wait.

"Are you ready?" Monsieur Caravaque asked as he grabbed hold of the fabric that was covering his newest masterpiece. Everyone nodded, and seconds later a beautiful portrait of Beatrice was revealed.

The painting was truly unique, especially as it showed her not as a princess and not as a commoner, but both. Her clothes clearly referencing her servant garments, but her hair fixed as a courtier.

"Louis, it is wonderful." Beatrice spoke as she stepped forward to hug the painter.

"Think of it as a belated wedding present, Your Highness." The man replied kindly. From the other side of the room Trixie could hear her friend laugh.

"What?" She challenged.

"I just can't get over it, that's all. Your Highness." Ron said laughing, earning a smack in the back of the head from Mrs Davis.

"Yes, well, royalty or not, I can still whip you." Beatrice responded with a teasing smile, making Courtney and Ivan laugh from where they stood beside the boy.

"I must say, Louis. For a man of your talents it, uh, it doesn't look a thing like her." Katya quipped, whilst still thinking to herself that no one would ever be able to capture the true beauty of her wife. 

"You, madam, are supposed to be charming." Trixie said with a laugh as she took Katya's hands in hers.

"And we, my dear princess, are supposed to live happily ever after." Yekaterina responded with a smile.

"Says who?" Beatrice asked, Katya waited a moment before responding;

"Do you know? I don't know." 

A moment later their lips met in a kiss, their happiness clear to any beholder.

Their love story far greater than most.

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