Chapter 3: Dawn Brings A New Day

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Beatrice Mattel would often find herself sleeping by the fireplace, no longer allowed to sleep in her childhood bedchamber. The young girl now lived in a small one roomed cottage near the pigsty, the draft of night often too cold to bear. Therefore soot and ashes became her friends as she'd lay by the fire and read Utopia, the last book her late father had brought home and her favorite piece of litterature.

It was a morning like all others, the sound of the rooster woke her up, and then she went on her rounds to feed the pigs and chickens. As she made her way towards the orchard however she saw Royal guards riding by, something that was highly unusual in their parts of the land.
Nevertheless she continued on with her rounds, gathering a mass of apples for breakfast in her apron when the sound of a horse galloping drew her attention.
Trixie would know the horse anywhere, it's black silky smooth hair easily reckognizable. That was her father's horse, the very same he had fallen off on the day he passed away.

"Thief!" She yelled at the rider. 

"This will teach you not to steal my father's horse." Trixie said as she started throwing apples at the theif until they fell of the animal, their cloak hiding their face from view.

"Please, my own ran off, I had no choice." A girl's voice said, this somewhat surprised Trixie as she had expected the theif to be a man based off of the way they were dressed.

"And our choice is what? To let you steal it?" Beatrice responded.

"I was only borrowing it." The thief tried to explain.

"Get out, before I wake the house." Trixie spoke again, taking some pity on the desperate girl.

Just then the thief managed to unwrap the cloak from around her, unveiling a young girl wearing not men's clothing but proper riding garments bearing the Royal crest. The girl was beautiful, far more than any woman Trixie had ever seen before. Her blonde hair long, but tied in the back, her eyes clear blue, and her face pale, clearly never having had to stay out working under the burning sun. Beatrice fell to her knees as she realized that this was the Grand Duchess Yekaterina Petrovna, the only living child of Tsar Pyotr The Great. She looked down towards the earth as she begged the princess for forgiveness.

"Forgive me your Highness, for I did not see you." Trixie said.

"Your aim would suggest otherwise." The Grand Duchess replied.

"And for that I know I must die." Beatrice knew the laws well, an attack on the crown meant certain death.

"Eeh, the-then speak of this to no one, and I shall be lenient." The princess responded to the young girl's surprise.

"We have other horses, Your Highness. Younger, if that is your wish." Trixie said in a shaking tone, for even if it was the princess, that horse was one of the few things she had left of her father.

"I wish for nothing more than to be free of my guilded cage." The Grand Duchess said as she emptied a bag of coins, twenty gold roubles falling before the young farm girl. "For your silence." The princess added, as she rode off, leaving Trixie in a state of confusion. The young girl quickly gathered the money, it being far more than she had ever had on her person, as she ran into the kitchens.

From the main dining room a conversation could be heard as Trixie entered the kitchen and emptied the rest of her apples into a basket. The breakfast of the ladies of the house was well under way and Violet was as usual not pleased by the spread.

"I said I wanted four minute eggs, not four one minute eggs, and where in God's name is our bread?" The young dark haired girl yelled as she pushed her eggs away, Mrs Davis taking them from the table as she informed the girl that the bread was on it's way. 

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