Chapter 22: The Angel's Fall From Grace

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The masque was a lively affair, color and music filling the beautiful ballroom and courtyard.
By the dinner table Captain Ivan had met a beautiful young blonde girl who was dressed as a horse just as he himself was. They flirted sweetly, jokingly neighing and laughing as they made their way around the dinner table to meet properly. Courtney was happy to truly be seen by someone for once, and to have someone desire her specifically, as she so often was left in her sister's shadow. The man was kind and entertaining, and so she easily accepted his invitation to share a dance, wondering if this man might be her perfect match.

Two floors up, in the bed chamber of the Grand Duchess however, a far more heartbreaking affair was taking place. 

"I understand you wanted to see me." The Emperor said as he entered his daughter's chambers.

"Yes, papa. I did." The child spoke. She was dressed in a red ballgown, a sash hanging from her right shoulder and medals on the left and the chest of it, as was the Russian tradition. On her head sat a crown made of gold, diamonds and pearls, a ruby in the center with a teardrop pearl below it, hanging down delicately on her forehead. She was the very picture of Imperial beauty. But all the rhinestones and jewels could not hide the sadness in her eyes, her emotion obvious to any onlooker. 

"Listen, Katya, perhaps it was unfair of me to put so much pressure on you as I did about the marriage contract. I just thought you needed to make some changes in your life. You seemed to me to be a bit floundering. But, well, I just wanted to tell you that I think this University idea to be brilliant. And we do not have to make any announcement tonight." Pyotr told his daughter.

"I have already made my decision." Katya spoke seriously.

"Alright, it is your choice." Her father replied. Moments later they were called upon as the official speech was to commence, this speech would also contain the announcement of the Grand Duchess's marriage plans as Katya had chosen to go through with them.

Trumpets sounded as the Emperor, Empress and the Grand Duchess made their way to the small podium which held their thrones, the two women sitting down whilst the Tsar remained standing.

"This is it, my darling Violet." The Baroness told her daughter as she took her hand, expecting good news now that the false Countess was removed from the picture.

"Friends, honored guests, it gives us great pleasure, on this festive occasion, not only to honor Monsieur Caravaque, who seems to have disappeared, but also to tell you of a long-awaited decision." The Tsar began speaking.

At the very same moment, what appeared to be an angel entered the ballroom.

A young girl dressed in layers of white fabric trimmed with gold. Her hair hanging shockingly loose in curls under a golden headpiece adorned with pearls, matching a jewelry piece around her neck. Her face was painted beautifully with jewels and golden glitter adorning her skin, making her look magical. Behind her were white wings, which moved delicately as she walked.

 Behind her were white wings, which moved delicately as she walked

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