Chapter 26: The Grand Duchess and The Peasant Girl

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At a manor sat by itself in a large field at the edge of the forest, a man sat looking through his documents as a knock was heard on the door.

"Enter." Sir Lieven said, the jangling of chains heard as a young girl entered the room, carrying a pile of swords.

"Oh, I do so hate to see you in irons. I'd remove them if only you'd promise not to run away again." The man said as he viewed the girl's chained feet, making his way over towards the woman who was placing the weapons down on the large oak table.

"I have no reason to stay." Beatrice replied through gritted teeth. The girl was clearly worned out and exhausted, the days at the man's house taking their toll.

"You belong to me now." Sir Lieven replied. 

"I belong to no one, least of all you." The brown eyed girl spat back. 

"Oh, I do wish you'd reconsider my offer." The man said as he stepped closer to the girl.

"I would rather rot." The girl said turning around to step away from the man, but he only took her arm and stepped closer.

"I had a horse like you once, magnificent creature. Stubborn, just like you. Willful to a fault. It, too, just needed to be.. broken." Sir Lieven spoke as his hand found the neckline of the girl's dress, sneaking his fingers beneath it.

"You will maintain your distance, Sir." Beatrice demanded. 

"Oh, you didn't say please." The man responded as his fingers continued just below the top of her corset, his nose leaning in towards her neck, his lips close to touching her as he breathed in deeply. 

The girl was clever tho, the man had gotten close enough for the child to pull his sword out of it's sheath. And so in a split second she pulled away from him, turned around and aimed the sword towards the man's throat.

"Please." Beatrice spoke then, mocking her captor.

"I could hang you for this." Sir Lieven threatened. 

"Not if you are dead." Trixie spoke seriously. The man truly did not realise that she was a girl with nothing more to loose, and so the hope of freedom was the only thing left worth fighting for.

"Oh, I do love your spirit." The man said, pulling the girl's arm away and attempting to grab hold of her and push his lips onto hers. 

But Beatrice was swift and cut the man's cheek as she pulled out of his grasp, picking up another sword from the pile on the table. The man fell down into a chair from both shock and pain, and a second later the girl's two blades were aimed towards him.

"My father was an expert swordsman, Sir. He taught me well. Now, hand me that key, or I swear on his grave, I will slit you from navel to nose." The young girl threatened, not an ounce of doubt or fear in her voice as she spoke.

"Your freedom, my lady." Sir Lieven replied as he reluctantly handed the key to her chains over.

At the very same moment a hoard of royal guards lead by the Grand Duchess had entered the courtyard, ready to begin a rescue mission. Just as they were about to storm the building however, a poor servant girl exited with a soft smile gracing her lips. Yekaterina dismounted her horse and stepped closer, seeing shock and confusion in the other girl's eyes as she approached her.

"Hello." Katya spoke nervously.

"Hello... What are you doing here?" Beatrice enquired.

"I.. I came to rescue you." The Grand Duchess responded, feeling a bit silly when saying it out loud.

"Rescue me, a commoner?" Trixie said in doubt as she walked past the princess, remembering every word the woman had spoken to her at the masque.

"Actually, I came to beg your forgiveness. I offered you the world, yet at the first test of honor, I betrayed your trust. Please, Beatrice." Katya begged. The mention of her real name made the brown eyed girl turn around to face the Grand Duchess.

"Say it again." The girl requested.

"I am sorry." Yekaterina repeated, but the girl shook her head.

"No, the part where you said my name." Trixie said with a smile, tears of joy threatening to spill.

"Beatrice." Katya repeated, letting all love and care shine through that simple name. The brown eyed girl's lips broke into a brilliant smile as she closed her eyes and savoured the sound of her one true love speaking her true name.

"Perhaps you would be so kind as to help me find the owner of this rather remarkable shoe." The Grand Duchess said as she pulled out the glass slipper from her satchel.

"Where did you find that?" Trixie responded in shock, having thought her mother's shoe to be lost forever.

"She is my match in every way. Please tell me I have not lost her." Katya continued, begging for the girl to take her back.

"It belongs to a peasant, Your Highness, who only pretented to be a courtier to save a man's life." Beatrice spoke through tears as she sat down on a large rock.

"Yes, I-I know. And the name's Katya, if you don't mind." The princess responded, making the other woman giggle softly. The Grand Duchess waited a moment before she got down on her knees before the girl, ready to say everything she should have said on the night of the masque.

"I kneel before you not as a Grand Duchess, but as a woman in love. But I would feel like an Empress, if you, Beatrice Mattel, would be my wife." Katya spoke carefully as she placed the glass slipper upon the girl's foot. The young girl laughed and cried before flinging herself into the arms of the other woman happily. 

Their lips soon met in a kiss, and not another word needed be spoken.

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