Chapter 21: A Bird May Love A Fish

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By the next afternoon, the Baroness had already whispered her lies in the ear of the Empress, the woman now in the royal gardens conveying the lies she thought true to her daughter.

"Engaged? To a Swedish man?" The Grand Duchess repeated in shock, not understanding how it could possibly be true that her one true love was to be shipped away.

"I am afraid so." The Tsarina confirmed sadly.

"That is impossible. There has to be some mistake." Yekaterina said. For surely the Countess couldn't be gone? She just couldn't be.

"She was traveling by boat this morning. Baroness Irina was quite reluctant to talk about it." Her mother spoke.

"Well, it's no wonder, with tidings such as these." Katya spoke angrily, her heart aching in pain. "You know, if she was betrothed, then she damn well should have had the common decency to say something!" The brokenhearted girl added as she paced quickly back and forth.

"Oh, would you have listened?" The Tsarina interjected.

"Well, of course not! I would have... Oh, God, I am as Romeo, fortune's fool. How could I have been so blind? There I was pouring my royal heart out, and she was simply trying to bid me farewell." The young girl spoke as realization hit her, all of the Countess's tears the day before suddenly making perfect sense.

"It is a strong woman who can keep her wits about her with you attempting to steal her heart." Her mother said as she stepped closer to the girl and reached up to wipe away her daughter's tears.

"Yes, and what a clumsy thief I turned out to be." Katya said brokenly before walking away.

"Oh, come now, Kathinka. Any choice is better than France!" Her mother called after her.

At a marketplace nearby a young painter's apprentice and a servant were talking in hushed tones, fearful of whom might hear them.

"You must go to the Grand Duchess. Tell her what's happened." Mr Davis told the young boy.

"But I am nobody, the Grand Duchess would never agree to see me." The apprentice responded.

"You are her friend, Ron. She needs your help, the Grand Duchess expects to see her." The other man pressed.

"I-I cannot. Besides, my master has me working tonight." Ron replied, the very idea of approaching her Imperial Highness terrifying.

"Then go to Monsieur Caravaque, surely a painter can see another painter?" Mr Davis said.

"I am but an apprentice, and he is the greatest painter to ever step foot in Imperial Russia! I could no sooner talk to God." Ron said nervously.

"For once in your life, boy, be bold." The servant said before leaving, seeing the three Ladies of the House making their way back towards the carriage, having finished their shopping.

When the ball finally began the young boy had in fact grown some courage, stealing a guard's uniform to blend in and searching the crowds for the masterful royal painter.

"Master Caravaque!" Ron said as he spotted the man, fainting moments later. Despite all this tho, he did manage to bring the famed painter back with him to the manor while explaining the unfortunate situation on their way there. 

The ladies were already gone, all three dressed in beautiful gowns and masks. Violet's outfit in blue and green was themed after a peacock, Courtney's was a less extravagant black dress with a mask modeled after a horse, and the Baroness's headpiece and mask were in the style of the devil, which seemed somewhat ironic to the house staff. As soon as the ladies had left, the servants had made their way to the wine cellar, desperately trying to break the lock on the door.

"Oh, it's no use, Mistress!" Tempest said in frustration.

"Allow me." A male voice said from behind the servant, Beatrice reckognized the voice right away as that of Louis Caravaque. The man stepped forward, ripping the bolts out of the hinges and pulling the door open.

"Why, that was pure genius!" Mrs Davis said in awe.

"Yes, I shall go down in history as the man who opened a door." The elder gentleman responded with a laugh. Ron stormed in to meet his friend, the others soon following after.

"Ron, how?" Beatrice asked with a smile as she saw her dear friend.

"Well, Steven said the Grand Duchess was expecting you." The boy replied.

"She is expecting someone who does not exist." The young girl told them all before turning towards the painter. "Monsieur, my name is Beatrice Mattel and I am but a servant."

"Yes, and I am the bastard son of a struggling painter. My one true love is the daughter of a former slave. What has your station to do with anything?" Louis responded, no judgement or harshness present in his words, only inclusivity and kindness.

"I have deceived her." Trixie spoke with teary eyes.

"The Grand Duchess will understand." Monsieur Caravaque told the fearful girl, hoping his words to be true.

"Come child, we must get you ready for the ball." Tempest spoke. 

"I do not wish to go." Beatrice argued.

"But if you stay, the Baroness wins." Mrs Davis responded.

"How can I face her?" The young girl said, her heart divided in a terrible dilemma.

"You should go, if not for yourself, then for Yekaterina. Because she deserves to hear the truth from the one she loves." Louis told her, giving her a warm fatherly look that the girl hadn't seen since her own father passed.

"A bird may love a fish, Monsieur, but where would they live?" Beatrice responded.

"Then I shall have to make you wings." The man said with a smile as he pulled her into a hug, leading the girl's lips to curl into a smile aswell.

"Oh, come on! No time to waste. Kasha, get the dress." Tempest spoke as they all rushed to get Cinderella ready for the ball.

In no time at all she on her way, painted and dressed like a walking masterpiece. The girl waved back towards her family of staff and friends once her carriage reached the gate, just like her own father had always done. It was tradition afterall.

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