Chapter 5: A Fated Encounter

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"No, too small." The Baroness said as the merchant showed her a silver brooch.

"I fear that anything larger might make her fall over." The man replied.

"Perhaps you're right, we shall just have too look elsewhere." Irina said as she and Violet turned to leave, the man panicked and quickly retrieved a large gold brooch, the very same that the Grand Duchess herself would take notice of later on that very same day.

Two floors up in an abandoned room of the estate, a young man stood looking out the window to keep an eye on the pair, as his friend changed from her worn out garments.

"Have you lost your marbles? Do you know the punishment for a servant dressing above their station?" The young lad asked the blonde girl.

"You would have done the same for me, Ron. Admit it." Trixie told him. She knew the punishment well, five days in the stocks and usually about 10 hits from the whip aswell, but Mr Davis needed her help.

"Me? Pretend to be a courtier? Prancing around like some nobleman without having ever been to court? Neither have you, in case you forgot." Ron replied. 

"Then I won't be reckognized." The girl argued.

"They will never believe it, you are too sweet, too innocent. No courtier is like that." He said as the girl stepped behind the changing screen, throwing her dress over it moments later.

"They'll never buy a servant with twenty gold roubles either. I am Steven's only hope. Please, hand me the gown so I can be on my way." She said, stripping off her undergarments and changing them to the ones she'd found in her late mother's wardrobe. 

"And the Baroness? What did you tell her to excuse your absence?" The boy enquired as he handed the beautiful gown to the young girl.

"I said that I am picking wildflowers, foolishly she did not question it. Of course, she never pays any attention to me anyways. Ron, can you still see her?" Trixie said.

"They're buying a brooch." 

"Unbelievable. She ignores the manor, blames us for her debt and still prances around acting as if she has money to burn. She'll send us all into ruin." Trixie said as she carefully put on the magnificent dress, it's silky smooth texture feeling odd compared to the rough fabrics she was used to. "Now, don't you dare laugh. I'm coming out." She said as she stepped out from behind the screen. 

The boy smiled as he saw her, his friend whom he'd almost all his life seen with soot or mud on her clothes, standing there before him like a true lady. Her skin freshly washed, tho ash still remained beneath her fingernails, her hair ungroomed contrasting the intricately made dress. She looked truly unmatched in beauty there she stood dressed in layers of silk, velvet, and muslin, some of the fabrics embroidered and sewn with pearls or gold thread. 

"The shoes are too big." Trixie said innocently as she shuffled her feet, her eyes looking towards the floor.

"Nobody will be looking at your feet." Ron comforted.

"Yards of fabric yet still I feel naked." The girl said nervously.

"If you are going to be a courtier, you have to play the part. You'll look down to no one." The young man said as he lifted her chin, making Beatrice smile softly.

"I am just a servant in a nice dress." She replied with tears threatening to spill.

"But they do not know that." Ron said warmly. "Come, we must do something about that hair of yours." He added as he pulled her to sit down in a chair nearby. He combed her hair, removing all knots, some which Beatrice feared had been there for years by how tough they were to comb through, before he gathered her hair in a beautiful pearl embroidered hairnet.

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