Chapter 11: At The Marketplace

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The next afternoon the tennis match between the Grand Duchess Yekaterina Petrovna Romanov and Sir Alexis Shubin was well underway, as was the sales at the market place, the event drawing many houses to sell their goods, Beatrice's manor included. 

Katya almost felt bad for her friend Alexis as he won himself a point. The cheers were terribly imbalanced and it was clear that the audience had mainly come to see the princess. The Grand Duchess however felt awfully distracted as she played, her gaze constantly traveling across the audience as she searched for the young girl who's beauty seemed like that of a forest nymph.

In one particularly strong shot, the ball flew towards the side of the tennis court, making the Grand Duchess chase after it, falling into the audience. Straight away dozens of young women surrounded her, all helping her up again as they stuffed their initialed handkerchiefs in the neckline of her garment. Katya removed them one by one as she returned to the court, before realizing that she did not in fact find the ball.

Her tennis partner pointed behind her where a familiar young lady with dark hair stood holding the ball up. Yekaterina couldn't deny that the woman was beautiful, her red velvet dress contrasting her fair complexion, her lips painted red to match. As Katya made her way over to the girl she heard audience members gasp and whisper, most likely believing the interaction to be far more significant than it was. Humans in general live off of spreading rumors, but courtiers were most definitively the worst offenders. 

"You're looking well, Violet." Katya said as she took the ball from the girl, at least appreciating the view and the calmness the woman held around her compared to the other young courtiers.

"You are welcome to look, Your Highness." Violet replied flirtatiously, making Katya laugh uncomfortably before she turned her attention to the match again, Alexis's boredom at the current chase after the princess's favour visible on his face. 

At the other side of the market place an older gentleman made his way towards one of the stands. He was no noble man, but his riches allowed him to act as one. With four other men behind him he approached the farm stand, seeing his favorite young woman working it.

"Beatrice Mattel, you get prettier every week." The man flirted openly, a crudeness and self-importance in his voice. Even from just seeing his face anyone would be able to dissect that this man thought himself justified to everyone and anything below his station.

"And you, Sir Lieven, are wasting your time and flattery." Trixie replied frankly, utterly uninterested in what the foul man had to say.

"It's a pity your soil is the best in the Empire and yet so poorly tended to." Sir Lieven responded, clearly hinting that he was not speaking of their farmland. 

"We have limited resources, Sir. We do what we can." Mrs Davis said as she saw the man and Trixie speaking, knowing how uncomfortable the man made the younger woman.

"Anything I can do?" He enquired. His eyes were practically burning into Beatrice's skin, undressing her shamelessly with his gaze. His desire for the girl, who was nothing but a child compared to his own age, so blatantly shown.

"Perhaps you should bring it up with the Baroness, and stick to shopping for now." Tempest said as she and Kasha stepped closer to the young woman, Mrs Davis holding Trixie's hand like a mother would a child.

"I'd rather discuss it with Beatrice, if you don't mind. I may be twice your age, child, but I'm well-endowed, as evidenced by my estate." The man told the women, the suggestive words making Trixie turn away in discomfort, acting as if she was forced to lay out more prunes.

"I have always had a soft spot for the less fortunate, especially those who have so much potential. You need a wealthy benefactor, and I need a young lady with...spirit." Sir Lieven said as he stepped closer and closer to the young girl. His intentions clear as he walked to stand right behind her and layed a hand on the girl's shoulder, playing with the neckline of her dress. 

"Prunes?" Trixie said, turning abruptly to make the man's hand fall to his side and holding up the prune tray with a false smile. 

"No." The man replied in an annoyed tone. "I'll buy nothing this week. And you, Beatrice, will do well to remember my generosity, for without it your pathetic little farm would cease to exist. I would be very, very careful if I were you." He added before finally leaving them. 

"Oh, what a horrible man he is. If he didn't buy a bushel of vegetables every week, I'd spit on him." Tempest said angrily as the three went back to manning their stand. 

When the tennis match of the Grand Duchess came to an end, she had agreed to take a stroll around the market with Violet. The pair walked, stopping at times to taste the different treats the market had to offer as they made their way towards the manor's stand.

"These are our servants, Your Highness." The dark haired girl spoke, as if this was a subject she took large interest in.

"Really? I would love to meet them." Katya spoke honestly as the words said by the Countess Valeriya regarding respecting those below you, spun around in her head.

The two older women working the stand froze in surprise, having never met royalty in such a way before.

"Good day, ladies." The Grand Duchess said politely. But just then Beatrice stepped back towards the table holding a chicken. When she saw the princess she dropped the live animal in shock, causing it to spread and flutter it's wings, and as such creating a nice distraction for the young lady to quickly slip away from the stand, terrified of the repercussions should the Grand Duchess recognize her. The two older women quickly caught on and started running around until the girl was out of sight.

"What are you doing? Are you trying to scare the Grand Duchess to death?" The Baroness said forcefully.

"We were startled, that's all." Tempest replied.

"Were there just the two of you?" Yekaterina enquired, swearing she had seen another woman there before the chicken got loose. 

"And the chicken, Your Highness." Mrs Davis told the girl. Katya found it odd, but also had no proof of another scenario being the case, and so she dropped the subject as she and the dark haired lady continued on with their stroll about the market.

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