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"The portrait of my great grandaunt's one true love hung in the University that Yekaterina built, up until my older brother's reign. By then nearly a hundred years had passed, and the truth of the romance had been reduced to a simple fairytale, all mentions of Beatrice Mattel or the Grand Duchess Yekaterina Petrovna's unsual marriage removed from the history books." the Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna speaks before she sips her tea once more.

"But why? Was it the controversial nature of their love?" Jacob Grimm asks.

"Yes. It was all to protect the Romanov name, of course... Their relationship was, in any way you look at it, new and different. I believe it would have been easier if Yekaterina had been a forgetable Empress, but she remains one of the most beloved leaders of Imperial Russia, having never allowed any executions during her reign and having greatly expanded the focus on architecture and art. The most prideful members of my House, could not bear for Yekaterina to be so loved and yet marry someone so unconventional. So, years after both the Empress's and Beatrice's passing, the Romanov's changed Yekaterina's marriage details, claiming her only engagement to be to a prince who passed too soon. And some books even claimed that she had an affair with her friend and tennis partner Alexis Shubin. Ridiculous, but history will always try to cover it's bravest and most forward thinking people." The Grand Duchess replies.

"That is somewhat of a sorrowful ending to the wonderful story tho, don't you think?" Wilhelm says, feeling slight disappointment, even tho he had expected some explanation of that nature as the Grand Duchess Yekaterina Petrovna was thought to never have been married.

"No, their story lives on, maybe not in it's original form, but their love prevailed." Maria says as she looks with love and care towards the painting of the beautiful young woman that her great grandaunt had loved more than anything in the world, before adding;

"And while Cinderella and her princess did live happily ever after, the point, gentlemen, is that they lived." 

A/N: And that's the very end. Thank you for all your support for this story, my next Trixya story is out now; We Can Solve For X. Otherwise, please fe free to check out my reading list called "My Trixya Books" where you will find all my Trixya fanfics💛

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