Chapter 14: Schemes and Deception

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The church bells rang loudly as the service ended, the Emperor, the Empress and her ladies in waiting heading towards their carriage as a young guard made his way towards a Baroness and her two daughters.

"Grand Duchess Yekaterina left early this morning, Baroness, and no one seems to know where she went. But I have brought you something that will brighten up your day." The guard told the woman in front of him, handing her a heavy object wrapped in a handkerchief.

"It is one of the Tsarina's most precious necklaces, imagine the graciousness she'll express if you return the lost item to her." The man whispered.

"Oh, you vicous, vicous man." Irina replied, a seductiveness in her tone, the man clearly buying into her affection once more. Quickly after the three women made their way towards the royal carriage.

"Make haste, Violet, it is now or never." The Baroness told her daughter, giving her the marvelous piece of jewelry. The child walked up to the carriage, interrupting the conversation that was taking place inside it.

"Forgive me, Your Imperial Highness, but you seem to have dropped this on your way out." Violet said as she held the necklace up for the Empress to see.

"My goodness, I do not even remember putting it on. Thank you, child." The Tsarina said warmly as she took the necklace from the girl's hands, greatly appreciating the child for returning her property.

"That was very kind, child." The Tsar agreed.

"Yes, it is a rare person indeed who would return such a valuable keepsake, especially in these trying times." His wife added. Violet bowed in respect, smiling at the compliment.

"You are too magnanimous, Your Highness." The girl replied in the softest tone she could manage, trying to seem genuine despite the deception she and her mother were putting the Empress under.

"How very kind, what is her name?" The Tsarina asked her favorite lady in waiting.

"Violet Natalya Alexandra of House Naryshkina." The woman informed her. The Empress turned towards the young girl again.

"Violet, we shall have a chat tomorrow in the palace gardens, you and I. Bring your mother." She told the girl.

"As you wish, Your Imperial Highness." Violet replied with another bow before the royal carriage took off. She turned around and walked over to her mother who was more than pleased with the result of their little play.

"Perfect! You did absolutely splendidly, my darling girl." Irina told her as she took her daughters hands in hers, giving each of her cheeks a kiss in the same way that the french would greet eachother.

"Do you not think this deceitful?" Courtney asked as she viewed the joy of her mother and sister.

"Oh hush, Courtney. All is fair in love and war." Her mother told her.

"Still, if anyone were to learn of this.." The child pressed. Irina turned towards the blonde girl, a strict look coating her features.

"Well, no one will ever learn of it, will they? Do you not want your sister on the throne? Do you not wish our problems to go away?" The Baroness pushed, terrifying the young girl with her harsh tone and intense eyes.

"Yes, of course mother. I apologize, I was foolish." Courtney said, her mother dropping the subject moments later to turn her attention towards the dark haired girl again.

Once more Courtney felt like a shadow following them, not below their station like their servants, but never truly included either.

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