Chapter 25: A Wedding of Tears and Laughter

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A wedding is usually a happy affair, which is why the wedding of Princess Nicole Karlize Marguerite of France and the Grand Duchess Yekaterina Petrovna Romanov of Russia was such an odd event. For while the Russian princess kept her emotions hidden away from the public, the French princess showed them clearly on her face, sobbing loudly as she walked down the aisle. 

They had decided that their wedding was to follow the catholic tradition, even if it could not be done in a catholic church. Yekaterina herself was not particularly religious and her father had taken great steps to control the power of the church is Russia, it being one of the only things he did not admire French court for focusing on, but it had been part of the marriage agreement that the pair was to be bound in the faith of the Roman church, even if the concept of two women getting married would greatly outrage the Vatican. 

The catholic tradition involved a men's choir singing as the woman entered, but the girl's loud sobbing and whimpering made for an absurdly humourous duet. As she reached the pillows that the pair was to sit on before the bishop, the singing stopped and only the girl's loud cries remained. Katya had first found it annoying and could not imagine what it would be like to travel to France while listening to the whining all the way there, but after a while she started laughing uncontrollably at the absurdity of the situation. 

Yekaterina carefully lifted the veil of the girl, who quickly panicked as she thought the wedding cermony was over. The poor girl started gesturing towards a tall, skinny, brown haired girl in the audience as she pleaded in French and broken Russian for Katya not to kiss her as it would make their marriage official. Luckily as the Russian spoke French fluently, she quickly calmed the woman.

"Mademoiselle, madame.. Nicky, relax. I know exactly how you feel." Yekaterina said in fluent French, gesturing for the girl to go to her love.

The French princess sprung up and ran towards the brown haired girl in the audience, throwing herself into the girl's arms. The onlookers gasped at the display, The Baroness and her dark haired daughter hugging in relief, whilst the Grand Duchess ran out of the room to find the one she had let get away.

The Tsar stood up to stop his daughter, but halted his movements when he saw the French princess's guardians argue loudly and blame eachother as they watched their daughter kissing the brown haired audience member.

"And I thought I had problems." The Emperor told his wife, realising that all of this had gotten out of hand and suddenly regretting his harshness. The Tsarina started laughing at the other pair's ridiculous argument, and her husband soon joined her.

Outside by the carriages, the Grand Duchess looked desperately for any servants whom she reckognized from the manor of Baroness Irina Grigoryevna.

"Where is she?" She asked as she saw the man that the servant girl had rescued when they had first met properly.

"The Baroness?" Mr Davis asked back.

"Val... Beatrice." Yekaterina said, speaking of the girl by her real name for the very first time.

"But she has been sold, Your Highness." The man replied, surprised that the princess did not already know this.

"Sold? To whom?" The Grand Duchess asked. 

At the very same moment Courtney and Captain Ivan came to stand next to them, having both ran out not long after Katya had.

"Sir Lieven, Your Imperial Highness. Just after the masque." Courtney told the princess.

"Tell no one we have spoken, for all shall reveal itself in due course. Come, Ivan. There is much to be done." The Grand Duchess said.  The Captain bid his sweet love, Courtney, goodbye, before following after the princess who was now running up to see her mother and father.

"I am sorry, I could not go through with it. I want to choose love, no matter how untraditional. If you wish to banish me for that, then please, go right ahead. As long as I am with her, nothing else matters." Yekaterina bravely told her father, expecting a scolding, but none came.

"I will not banish you, or send you away. I chose love, you should have a right to do the same." The Tsar responded calmly. Katya raised her head in surprise, looking between her mother and father in a confused manner.

"How? Why?" The girl questioned, not understanding what could have changed.

"Well, firstly your mother can be quite persuasive. Secondly, when I saw the shambled state of princess Nicole's parents, I thought I would do anything to avoid living my life the same way." Her father told her, looking at his wife with a soft smile.

"Thank you mama, thank you papa." Katya said sincerely.

"You truly love her, don't you?" Her mother spoke warmly.

"Yes, I do. And I will find her."

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