Chapter 6: Treaties and Trials

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"You, miss, are restricted to the grounds of this palace." The Emperor said as The Grand Duchess and her mother entered the throne room.

"Are you honestly putting me under house arrest?" The girl enquired in disbelief, a laughter escaping her ruby lips.

"Do not dare mock me, Yekaterina, for I am in a foul disposition. I will have my way." Her father replied strictly.

"Or what? You'll lock me away? Or maybe you will sell me like some kholop." The princess said spitefully.

"You are The Grand Duchess, you are a Romanov, that comes with responsibillity! I have been more than patient, and I have given you more kindness than most would in my position!" The Tsar scolded. The Empress came to the man's side, attempting to calm her husband.

"Pyotr, sit down before you give yourself a stroke." She told the stubborn Tsar, before turning her attention towards her unruly child. "Kathinka, you were born to privilege, that brings specific obligations. Your father and I have respected your wishes, now you must attempt to respect ours."

"Forgive me mother, but you two married for love. Father even divorced Eudoxia because he was unhappy in an arranged marriage. Can you really blame me for not wanting to make the same mistake he did by letting myself be forced to marry someone I do not know? Can you really blame me for wanting to chase after the idea of finding love, despite it being breaking tradition, when that is exactly what the two of you did?" Katya reasoned, knowing that there really was no arguing the points she had made.

"You will marry Nicole by the next full moon or I will strike at you in any way I can." Her father replied, ignoring her statement entirely.

"What's it to be then? Will you use the batog on me like you do your prisoners?" The girl taunted, knowing her father would never dare do such a thing to his only living child. This caused the man to be at a loss for words, his following statement causing the girl's mother to shake her head as it was proof that he had lost the arguement entirely.

"I will simply deny you the crown...and live...forever." 

"Good, agreed. I don't want it." Katya replied as she turned to leave.

"Well, she's your daughter." The man told his wife in annoyance as he saw his daughter exiting the room.

The Grand Duchess made her way to the gardens, as she so often did after arguments with her father. Katya just couldn't understand why the Tsar was so intent on trying to make her his heir. The man had even gone to the lenghts of changing the law so he could choose his successor after Yekaterina's half-brother Alexei had passed, in order to give the throne to her rather than to Alexei's son. Of course, this was before the issue of marriage to a woman had been brought to light.

As she had come about halfway through her regular route, her mother caught up with her, strolling beside the girl which reminded Katya of the walks they'd taken together when she was still just a child, before everything grew complicated.

"Please take some pity on your father, Katya." The Tsarina said.

"I am sorry mother, I just cannot imagine marrying a stranger." The girl replied, feeling vulnerable and small.

"I understand, and I will try to reason with him, but you must also understand that all of this is terribly difficult for him, for all of us. It is a lot to accept, Kathinka." Her mother told her, the usual warmth and care in the woman's tone. Katya had always greatly admired her mother's calm nature, as it so greatly contradicted her own heart.
Oh, how often she wished she could have the Empress's endless patience.

"I know it is, mother. I apologize." The girl said in a more humble tone than the one that usually grazed her voice.

When they had walked a while further, Katya decided to enquire about the intriguing lady she had met earlier that day.

"Mother, do you know a Countess Valeriya Zamolodchikova?"

"Who, dear?" Her mother responded.

"Valeriya Zamolodchikova, she is the cousin of... well actually I am not sure who her cousin is. But surely you must have heard of her?" The young princess said.

"Oh, my darling Katya. There are simply far too many courtiers to know them all by name. Why do you ask?" The Tsarina said in a curious tone. Never had her daughter ever asked about any courtier before, so the girl's interest in this one greatly intrigued the young woman's mother.

"Oh, never mind." Katya replied, feeling redness and warmth on her cheeks as she grew shy.

Just then the Tsar came walking quickly up to the pair, his strides strong and deliberate.

"In honor of Monsieur Caravaque returning to the palace, I have decided to throw a ball, a masked ball. At which point you and I will strike a compromise." The Emperor declared.

"Compromise, you?" Katya replied, almost laughing before her mother nudged her.

"Kathinka." The Tsarina scolded under her breath.

"Apologies." The girl whispered back.

"Since love is what you seek, I will give you a chance to find it. The ball will take place in five days. On that night, at the stroke of midnight, you will announce your engagement to the girl of your choice. Fail to do so and I will announce it for you." The man stated. 

Katya was shocked to say the least, this actually gave her a chance. A chance to meet someone she might actually have an interest in, or a chance to find the girl who had already peaked her interest.

"What of your treaty with France?" The Grand Duchess asked.

"Let me worry about France, you have got much bigger problems." Her father replied.

"Choose wisely, Katya. Let us at all costs avoid having another divorce in our family." Her mother told her as she placed a hand on the girl's shoulder.

A masked ball.

What an interesting affair that should be.

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