Chapter 2

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Felix's P.O.V.

I slowly head to the sit Mrs. Kang pointed at trying my best to look normal and don't stare at the girl I must protect.

I really didn't know how to act towards her. Should I act friendly so it can be easier to guard her? No, that's a terrible idea; in this way, I may like her and regard her as my real friend and I don't want to have any type of relationship with her. I will just do my job and that's all.

So... Should I act cold?

Agh! Why should this be so complicated?! My mind is gonna blow up!

What if... What if I escape? Would anyone notice?

"Hi!", someone interrupted my inner monologue.

Oh, no... Not her... I haven't decided how I should act yet!

I raised my head and she was already turned back to look at me with a huge smile across her face.

"Lee Felix, right? I am Song Yunha. If you need anything, you can ask me, okay?"

Emmm... What should I answer now? Think of something, Felix!

"Okay, I will", I told her in the colder way ever.

She seemed a little disappointed by my answer, but her smile didn't fade away. Completely... She just casually turned to face the front.

When she turned her face away, I burden left off of my chest.

Song Yunha... It's a nice name. But I don't think I am gonna tell her. It may be better if we won't be... friends or something. I should be more distant.

She didn't intend to talk to me again for the rest of the class and when the bell rang, she quickly picked up her stuff and got out of the class with her friends.

I prefer it this way.

When I exited the class, I tried to find my locker; I needed my schedule and books for the next class. Fortunately, it was easier than I thought, because the lockers were ordered alphabetically. It was unlocked and my schedule, books and locker key were all in there.

"Hey", I felt someone tapping my shoulder. I looked at him, he seemed familiar. I think he was in my previous class.

He checked the label with my name at my locker.

"Felix?", he laughed and so did his friends behind him. "What name is that? Where are you from? The U.S.?"

I felt my temperature rise up. I tried very hard to hold back my anger and not punch his face. I just ignored him and left. Luckily he didn't follow me.

I could ignore one random mocking guy, however I couldn't ignore all the students' eyes on me and their indiscreet questions and comments about my illness.

That was when I remembered my thoughts of escaping...

No one would notice my missing. And it won't take long. I should just find a quiet place to die in peace; this time, with no interruptions.

I make my way out of the school yard with the students' eyes still stucked on my body.

As I was crossing a road farther away from school, I started to feel little pinches in my chest.

What the hell is that?

I continued my way, but the pain didn't stop at all. I saw some benches a few metres away and I thought I have to make it there, sit down a little and rest.

But the pain didn't stop and got worse with every step I took. It was unbearable. Like someone have took my heart in his palm and squeezed it hard.

The road was empty. Anyone wasn't there to help me. I didn't have the strength to shout out for help.

I placed my hands on my chest trying to breath properly, but the pain didn't make things easier and in the end, I collapsed on the ground moaning, my eyes getting blurry.

Why is this happening to me? Is it related to the angel? I haven't done anything wrong... yet. It could read my thoughts only when we were at the sky, how could he have known about me trying to commit suicide again?

And then it hit me.

When I was at school, I didn't feel anything. I didn't feel anything, because I was close to her.

The angel's words filled my mind: And stay close to her. For your own good. I mean it.

How come I was so fool?!

I am in pain, because this is my punishment. I am in pain, because I am not close to Yunha.

The Guardian || Lee Felix FFWhere stories live. Discover now