Chapter 3

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Felix's P.O.V.

I should get back to school. I must.

But my heart is in terrible pain, my legs are shaking and my eyesight is blurry.

When I felt I was in the edge of fainting, I heard someone shouting. His voice seemed distant, but that might be my ears' fault.

"Oh my God, what happened to you? Can you hear me?.. Guess not. Let me help you get up". He did. "There you go". He tried to help me walk up to the benches. My knees bended.

"N-no... Not th-there... To school...", I murmured.

"Oh, yes. You are probably right. The school nurse is gonna take care of you".

He took my hand and put it around his shoulders to help me walk.

As we were walking back, the pain faded away and I could stand up on my own.

"You good now?", he asked me.

"Yeah, thank you".

"No problem. I just saw you get out of school frustrated and I thought something was off. You are the new student, right?"

"Wait, you are from my school?"

"Yes, I am a senior. Bang Christopher Chan. Nice to meet you", he offered his hand.

Christopher? He has an English name?

"I am Yang... emmm... Lee Felix", I said in English and shook his hand.

"No waaaay! Don't tell me you are Australian?", he said in English too.

"Yes, I am!! I can't believe I found an Australian in... in..."

In which Korean city am I?

"Seoul?", he completed my sentence.


"I don't want to be indiscreet, but what happened to you? Is it related to the illness you've been through?"

"You can say that, yes".

When we entered the school building, he insisted on going to the nurse's office.

"But I'm completely fine. Really. We don't need to-"

"No, I insist. Just to check things up. Please".

"Okay", I sighed.

We got in the nurse's office and saw her sitting on her chair and... Yunha was there too.


She waved me and smiled.

I just nodded.

"Hello, guys. Can I do something for you?"

"Em, yes", Chan spoke. "I found my friend, Felix, lying onto the ground almost fainted. He couldn't even drug his legs".

"But now I am completely fine. I am better. He insisted on coming here", I added.

"Your friend did well to bring you here. We are just gonna check things up, okay?", she told me exactly the same words as Chan. "What's your name, dear? Sorry, I can't remember all the students".

"My name is Lee Felix".

"Lee Felix? The new one? Mrs. Kang told me to keep an eye on you. Would you like to tell me what was your illness?"

Oops. What should I say now?

"Emm... S-something with my heart", I said hesitantly.

She looked at Yunha and Chan. She might think that I am being uncomfortable to talk about my illness because of their presence.

"Okay, you can tell me the details later. Yunha, can you please take Felix's blood pressure and temperature, please? I'm gonna lead Chan back to his class and explain the situation. I'll be right back. Felix, you can trust her. She has been my assistant for four years. Come, dear", he said to Chan and they left the room.

And left me alone with Yunha and her unlimited positive energy.

"Hi, again!"


"Sit here", she tapped the patient's bed for me to sit. "So, wanna tell me what happened? What did you feel?", she asked me as she was bringing the blood pressure meter.

"I was casually walking, when suddenly I felt like someone pinched my heart and the pain got worse and worse. And I couldn't stand up anymore. That's all. But it has happened to me a couple of times before. My doctor said it's because of my heart problem". The lies just flew out of my mouth more convincing than I thought.

"Okay, do you get medicine for that?May I?", she pointed at my left hand.

I gave her my hand and she delicately rolled up my shirt's sleeve - wait, am I wearing a school uniform? - and placed the blood pressure meter around my arm.

"No, I don't get any medicine".

"Your brood pressure is good, so is your pulse. Now, let's take a look at your temperature... Here", she took the thermometer and placed it in front of my forehead. "Better than ever", she commented smiling - of course!

The nurse came back just in time.

"So?", she asked Yunha.

Yunha told her what I had said and that my blood pressure and temperature are fine.

"Okay, so there's nothing to worry about. But I think you should go home, have some rest and call your doctor, just in case".

Oh, no! I can't go far from Yunha.

And then, as if the nurse has read my thoughts she added:"Yunha, could you accompany Felix to his house, please?"

Well, that wasn't exactly what I was thinking...

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