Chapter 11

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Yunha's P.O.V.

I had already given up. My body wasn't strong enough to compete against Hyunjin's. The alcohol made things worse. My head was spinning and my legs were shaking out of fear.

Hyunjin had sneaked his head in my neck, while his hands started unzipping my dress.

I began praying under my breath for something - anything - to happen.

"Get you damned hands off her right now! Don't make me repeat myself".

I thought my ears were ringing, because I just prayed for something to happen and, subconsciously, I wanted him to find me.

It wasn't my ears' fault. It is Felix.

I felt so light and relieved it was him... I felt that my whole body could finally let go, because now I am safe.

I let myself let go and I fell on the ground a little more harshly that I thought as Hyunjin had removed his hands off me as Felix told him to do. My back hurt and my neck stang too.


Felix ran towards me, but Hyunjin stand between him and me.

"What the fuck do you want? She wanted it too!"

"I don't think so!"

"How do you know?"

"You are a terrible liar, that's how I know!", Felix yelled back and punched Hyunjin. Hyunjin fell on the ground.

"Felix, stop! Let him go!"

He didn't listen to me and kept punching Hyunjin.

"That's what you get when you hurt Yunha! I knew it from the start that you were a freaking bastard!"

"Man, stop, please! I won't approach her ever again. I swear!", Hyunjin pleaded, his nose bleeding.

"I hope so, for your sake".

I stand up, even though my back was killing me.

Hyunjin was already gone. Freaking coward!

Felix ran up to me. He looked me up and down.

"Do you hurt anywhere? Oh my God, your back..."

My tears escaped my eyes once again, this time out of relief. I hugged him tightly, feeling safe in his arms.

"I was so scared... Thank you".

Felix, a little shocked, embraced me back without touching my scratches.

"It's okay. He is gone now. You don't need to be scared. Come on, let's go home".

We arrived outside my house and Felix spoke to me: "Is your brother home?"

"No, he isn't and please don't tell him about... you know, that. I don't want him to worry".

"I won't".

"Thanks. Okay, see you- Why are you following me? Your house is up there".

"You are injured and your brother's not home. Someone have to take care of you", he answered blankly.

"I can take care of myself".

"No you can't. No human can reach their own back and yours is all scratched. So, where are your keys?"

Oh, boy!

We get in my house and I brought the first aid kit to my room. I put some ice on the hickeys on my neck and Felix grabbed the kit and started treating my back.

This is so uncomfortable! I feel terribly awkward. I wish I could treat my back myself...

"Ouch! It burns, it burns!"

And all of a sudden, I felt a small breeze to my back. Felix was blowing my scratch, so that it stops burning.

I am melting right now.

And to top it all off, I felt his fingers touch my skin and I shivered. Why does he have such a big effect on me?

I felt him moving himself closer to me.

I look at his face that I couldn't figure out what it was hiding behind.

His eyes went down on my lips. For a very brief moment. Or are my eyes playing tricks on me? But, I swear I didn't make it up, I saw it!



"I want to tell you something".

Oh my gosh! It's coming!

Wait! Why am I excited about this? I would probably reject him if he did that,... Right?

"I really want to tell you something, but I don't know how. I-...", he was really struggling there.

Why is he so shy all of a sudden?!

I am gonna take the situation in my own hands. I leaned in and gave him a quick peck on the lips.

Which I immediately regretted.

Felix froze in his place looking all surprised by my act.

Yunha, sometimes you are such a fool; What if he didn't want to confess? What if he doesn't have this kind of feelings towards you and it was all in your mind after all? Ahhh...

I just embarrassed myself in an extremely silly way and I just want to open my window, jump off and disapear. Or Felix's memory get erased or something. Is it too much to ask? Guess so.

"S-sorry", I turned away and tried to drag myself up. "I didn't mean that, just... forget it, oka-"

Felix grabbed my wrist and forced me to sit down again.

His expression was emotionless and mine confused. He stared right into my soul for a second that I felt it lasted a century. What is he up to?

Then I understood. He was up to kissing me.

He kissed me for real and this time it's not a peck; it's a kiss. A passionate but at the same time soft kiss. I know it may sounds cliché, but I felt my legs shake and melt, my heart fluttered, butterflies started to form in my stomach and all this stuff. His lips were so soft — and salty for some reason? — and it matched my lips perfectly.

I've never felt this feeling Felix awakened inside me before. It feels like you are at the edge of death due to this pleasure and happiness, but you feel somehow refreshed at the same time. I am on cloud nine.

The kiss started to get a bit intense and I admit that I enjoyed that, till the moment Felix hugged my waist.

My mind travelled to Hyunjin and my damn near rape at once. My inner self panicked, I couldn't breathe and I pushed Felix away.

"Did I do something wrong?", he asked me concerned.

I took a deep breath and started paving up and down in the room. "No... No, it's not that".

Felix stood up and put his hand on my shoulders to stop me walking.

"You are not over the incident with Hyunjin, are you?" I could here the anger in his voice. "You are right, I was too fast, I shouldn't pressure you. I'm sorry".

I look at his sincere and worried eyes that stared down at me, waiting for my response.

"Can you just hug me for now?"

He, then, opened his arms widely, I hugged his waist and he hugged me back caressing my hair. I can stay like this forever.

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