*Maddie P.O.V*
"Blake and George are gonna be at mine in half hour." Reece said, breaking the silence we had previously been sat in.
"Shall we head off now then?" I replied, and Reece nodding in response.
I sat up on my bed, stretching. I was looking forward to today - me, Reece, Blake and George were filming a Never Have I Ever video, with the questions being thought of by their fans.
YouTube is kind of my job. I mean, it is mainly what I do. I started doing it as a part time thing when I first moved down to London a few years back, but then it became my full time job after it grew in popularity. I don't like having the perception that I'm piggy-backing off of my brother's fame for "clout", although the amount of videos he's appeared in in the past is mega - and it's not even just him, it's all of the boys. It really is thanks to them that my YouTube is popular.
Reece has been my best friend since almost the beginning of New Hope Club. Connor introduced me to the New Hope Club boys when they joined the management, as I had only just moved to London so had no friends. Ironically, me and the boys were the same age. Connor didn't want me to feel lonely, so found the pairing really fitting. It paid off too, as me and Reece clicked straight away and have been best friends ever since.
As we headed downstairs, I could hear the voices of Brad, Tris and James down in the living room.
"We are heading over to Reece's, so I'll see you later." I told Con.
"Alright, when will you be home?" Con asked.
"Not sure." I said.
"I'll drive her home." Reece said, nodding reassuringly.
"Alright have fun." Con said.
I smiled at them all, saying goodbye before leaving the house. We went and jumped in his car, and headed over to his. It was only a short journey away, so it wouldn't take long.
Now... I would love to say that me and Reece have no secrets from each other, but that would be a lie. Reece has no clue that I have a thing for Brad.
Reece knows I have a soft spot for Brad, I always have done. But no one knows that the last few weeks its been more than just a soft spot - cringe, I know, having a crush on your older brothers best friend. Not how I imagined my life being like at 18. However, I guess you can't choose who you fancy.
Every time I'm with Reece alone, I wanna confide in him but then I chicken out. I want to be able to gossip with him and tell him everything, you know how girlfriends do with each other. We usually do - Reece surprisingly loves to hear my gossip. I guess part of me doesn't want to admit I have a thing for Brad, because once I admit it, I know there's no going back.
I sat uploading the video off of my camera onto my laptop so I could edit it while Reece, Blake and George sat watching a film on TV.
My phone started ringing - I checked it and saw it was Con.
"What do you want bitch." I answered.
"Why hello to you too." I heard Brad reply.
"Oh my god." I laughed. "Brad I'm so sorry."
"It's fine." I heard Brad chuckle. "I stole Con's phone cuz he wasn't going to invite you back. Just called to let you know that we're getting a Chinese. Did you and the lads wanna join us?"
"Ooo I would love to, will go and ask the others now. When were you thinking of getting it?" I asked.
"We'll plan to get it when you're back. Speak to the lads and if they don't want it I'll come and get you." Brad said.
"Okay, I'll go speak to them now. Thank you!" I said.
"Bye." Brad said, and the phone went dead.
"Did you just call Brad a bitch?" Reece laughed as I shook my head.
"Yes I did. Embarrassing." I replied. "He was calling to say they're getting a Chinese, did you guys want it too?"
"Blake has a date with Bailee, so he's preoccupied." Reece smirked.
"Oh shut up." Blake laughed.
"I'm heading back to mums now, she's doing dinner for 6:30." George said, standing up.
"Well, looks like it's just me and you." Reece said.
"Okay cool, they're going to get it whenever we get back to Con's." I said.
"Give them a text and say we'll be there in 20 mins." Reece said. "Sorry to kick you out guys."
"It's fine, was on my way out anyway." George replied.
We said our goodbyes to George, I stood up to give him a hug unlike the others, and he left.
"I'm gonna head back to mine to get ready." Blake said.
"When are you meeting Bailee?" I asked.
"7." Blake said.
"Ooh have fun." I winked, and he hit me with a cushion.
"You two are a right old pair." He laughed, and we all stood up.
We gathered our stuff and walked out the house, Reece staying behind to lock the door.

If I Was Your Man (BWS)
FanfictionAs if being Connor Ball's little sister, being best friends with New Hope Club & The Vamps, being a YouTuber and being a little musical wasn't enough, add into the mix my phat crush on Brad Simpson and the story developing from said crush... Just on...