Chapter 3

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Joellen's POV

I am sitting in the back of the boat beside King Edmund while High King Peter rows. The Queens are behind him and Trumpkin is at the very front.

As King Peter continues to row, Queen Lucy speaks up.

"They're so still..." She says.

"They're trees. What'd you expect?" Trumpkin replies.

"They used to dance?" She says back to him.

"It wasn't long after you left that the Telmarines invaded. Those who survived retreaded to the woods. And the trees..." Trumpkin trails off.

"They retreated so deep into themselves that they haven't been heard from since..." I finish and looked down at my feet. I feel a comforting hand on my back and I look ofer to see the King next to me, comforting me.

"I don't understand. How could Aslan let this happen?" Queen Lucy states.

"Aslan? Thought he abandoned us when you lot did." Trumpkin states.

The boat went silent for a few seconds. "We didn't mean to leave, you know." King Peter states.

"Can I ask what happened?" I ask with a soft voice.

"It's my fault really. We were all out chasing the white stag when we all stopped. I accidently ended up pulling us back through the passage we came in from. None of us wanted to leave." Queen Lucy says sadly.

"I'm so sorry, Your Majesties..." I say.

"Makes no difference now, does it?" Trumpkin says.

"Get us to the Narnians... and it will." King Peter says, determination filling his words.

I smile a little bit and look over to the King next to me, the same determination in his eyes. He smiles back at me and I look away, a small blush coming to my face.


We finally make it so shore. Trumpkin hops out with the rope while Peter moves the oars out of the way. Edmund helps me off the boat and I turn to help him, Peter, and Susan pull the boat further onto land.

"Hello there!" I hear Queen Lucy say. I turn in her direction to see what she doing and who she's talking to.

I hear a weird noise and I walk towards her a little.

"It's alright! We're friends!" She says again.

I look closer and I see a bear. Oh no...

"Trumpkin!" I yell, getting his attention but then turn towards the Queen again. "Don't move, Your Majesty!" I shout.

She turns back to us and the bear starts to run at her.

"Stay away from her!" Queen Susan shouts, drawing her bow. Lucy begins to run but I know that she can't outrun that thing. She trips and I spring into action.

I quickly run to her and throw myself over her, positioning my body over hers so she won't get hurt.

I hear Trumpkin and King Edmund shout my name while King Peter begs his sister to shoot.

The bear stands up, ready to pounce on us which only leads me to shut my eyes tightly and hold the Queen tighter. But before it can attack us, an arrow pierces it's chest and it falls backward.

Both the Queen and I look back to Queen Susan. Her arrow is still drawn... I look past her to see Trumpkin with his bow and no arrow.

The two Kings rush over to us. King Edmund grabs me while King Peter grabs Lucy. Both Lucy and I hold onto them tightly, still in shock of what just happened. They both pull us away and step in front of us with their swords, ready to defend us if the bear gets back up.

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