Chapter 5

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Your POV

I don't know how to feel right now. First off, I'm a princess?? And I have to find my brother, Caspian, so we can defeat my evil uncle and restore Narnia??? Well, were looking for him anyway so that's good. And second, how did I get into Edmund's arms??

I want to leave because I'm embarrassed but at the same time... I feel safe and warm... I decided that I should get up that way the others don't find us like this but when I try to move, Edmund only holds me tighter.

After a minute of trying to get out of his arms, I finally succeed. 

"Having fun?" I hear Peter speak up, which scared the life out of me. I jump and turn around with a blush. I find him sitting peacefully, sharpening his sword.

"I didn't-- I'm not--" I start to ramble but Peter stops me. "I'm joking. He saw you shivering last night and so he laid next to you in order to warm you up. But I think it was so he would have an excuse to hold you." He says and a blush makes its way to my face. 

"I know you don't think we see it but you love to look at the other when the other is not looking. You like each other and it's driving us all crazy." Peter says with a look on his face.

I blush even harder but I can't help but think he's messing with me. Edmund couldn't like me... I'm me

"Also I couldn't help but notice you were crying in your sleep? Are you okay?" He asks me. I raise my hand to my face and sure enough, my cheeks are wet. "Bad dream?" He asks. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you..." I say, thinking back to what Aslan said, was that real or a fake dream? "From the wise words from someone I look up to, 'Try me.'" Peter says. I tell him about my dreams and how they were my supposedly my memories. 

"You know, that would makes sense and all, your necklace could stand for a royal family crest. And you did say that Aslan told you so." He says. "Maybe, but the guy we're looking for is my brother?" I ask. "I guess so." He responds.

I sign and look around. "Hey, where's Lucy?" I ask. Peter turns to where Lucy fell asleep only to find that she wasn't there. His face drops and a look of guilt spreads across his face as he stands up.

"Oh no..." He fearfully says, "How did I not notice she was gone?!" He starts to get angry with himself. I quickly grab his shoulders. "You get a head start on finding her, I'll wake the others." I start to panic a little bit. Why would Lucy be gone?

I wake everyone up and tell them what was going on. We all grab our stuff and head off into the direction that Peter went earlier. Oh Lucy, where did you go?


As we search, I tell them all of the things I told Peter, they all didn't know how to react either. Trumpkin was scared by it though, he didn't want to think about how I was a princess. Edmund agreed with Peter on the necklace crest thing and Susan said that the timeline fit. As all of us continued searching, I suddenly hear swords clashing. "Do you guys hear that?" I ask out loud. They all listened closely and their eyes go wide when they hear it. We all run towards the direction on the sounds. After a minute of running, we stop hearing the swords clashing but we continue to run. I hear Lucy call out and I start running faster, faster than the others. I make it to a clearing before anyone else.

I see Lucy and smile at seeing she was alright but then I look around and see my Narnian family surrounding us, my smile grows wider. I quickly spot Trufflehunter and Nikabrik and I run up and hug them. I look back to Peter and the guy with him. 

I take in all of his features and compare them to my own... he looks like me... I look to his chest where a certain crest necklace laid and my thoughts are confirmed.

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