Chapter 10

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Joellen's POV

Both Ed and I make it to the group in the center, near the stone table.

"Peter... why did you lower your sword?!" Susan scolds.

"I don't know! It's just when I looked at her, I could see myself being the King that I once was... it was as if I was in a trance... I really want to be that again..." Peter says.

"She showed me that too, she showed me as the Telmar King, Joellen at my side and our father being proud..." Cas adds.

"You both can be those things one day, but not from the Witch's help... but from his." Lucy says, looking to the carving of him.

"I'm sorry guys..." Cas says. "Me too, especially you, Lucy." Peter adds. Lucy goes up and hugs her brother. A small smile comes on my face but disappears once I hear a deep voice.


"Did you guys hear that?" I ask to the group. "I did!" Ed says. Everyone else gives us confused looks but I continue to spin around, looking for the source of the voice.


I quickly turn to face the voice only to be met with Aslan's carving...


"Joe, you don't think--""Aslan?" I call out, cutting Ed off. I hear everyone whisper behind me. "Joellen, we don't hear anything..." Susan comments.

"Joellen... come closer..."

I slowly approach the carving in wonder. "Aslan, what-"

"Take the staff, child..."

"...I'm sorry, you want me to do what?" I ask out loud, the people still behind me whispering in confusion.

"Do you doubt me?"

"No! I just... I'm scared, Aslan...." I say. "It's okay, Joe... do it." Ed nods to me.

"Fear not, for I am with you always. Take the staff and show Narnia the true power of light magic."

I slowly reach out and pull the broken staff from the ground. "Joe, what are doing?" Cas asks, I don't answer. The staff was still broken in half from when Ed destroyed it all those years ago. Light starts to shine around the staff and pieces of ice are pulled from the ground to rebuild it. The light becomes so bright that I have to shield my eyes.

The light fades and I look to the staff in my hand, it looks just like the Witch's staff but there's threads of golden light inside of it and the ice had become crystal. Ed comes up beside me. "Wow..." We both say.

"Aslan, what can she do with this?" Ed asks the carving on the wall.

"Heal the life in the ground. Restore the light in hearts. And make the dead into stone.  Child, send Lucy to me in the Western Wood. Only then shall you understand your power."

"Aslan... I don't know if--" I start.

"I chose you, my child. And I never make the wrong choice."

"...Thank you..." I tell the carving and turn back to the group.

"........ Okay, what just happened? I'm confused?" Peter interrupts.

"Aslan has given me the Witch's staff... well, it's not dark magic anymore... it's light magic." I start. "He says to send Lucy to the Western Wood to meet him."

"So the staff is good magic now?" Lucy asks. I nod to her and her smile grows.

"I don't know about you guys but I want to get out of here with all of the things that just happened." Trumpkin complains. "I'm with the D.L.F. on this one." Susan adds.

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