Chapter 4

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Joellen's POV

We are all hiding behind a pile of logs, looking at the working Telmarines in front of us. They are cutting down tree after tree... oh poor trees...

It look like their building a bridge of some sorts.

I look to Trumpkin with eyes wide and he returns the shock. 

"So much for swimming..." I say quietly but I am immediately pulled down by Peter and Edmund. I look over and I see why they pulled me down. A group of Lords just arrived and those were the people who we really needed to avoid. 

"Perhaps this wasn't the best way to come after all." Susan says.

"Well if you had listened to me and Joellen, we wouldn't be in this predicament." Lucy whispers with annoyance. Peter just rolls his eyes and gets up, with everyone following behind him. We all wanted to get away from this place as soon as we could.

We start heading back to the place where Lucy and I saw Aslan. But on the way, Peter speaks up.

"Joellen, may I talk to you in private, you guys rest for a little while." Peter looks to me and I nod.

"Oh, thank goodness, my feet are killing me!" Susan exclaims.

Peter and I walk away from the group, rounding the corner of a large boulder for some privacy.

"Look. I'm really sorry you snapping at you earlier at what used to be Rivers Rush." Peter looks to me with regret in his eyes.

"It's alright, but are you okay?" I ask him. He simply shrugs his shoulders. 

"I just feel guilty for leaving, all of these bad things happened and I can't help but wonder if I could've prevented all of this. They didn't deserve this..." Peter looks down.

"I know that I am not Narnian blood but I do have a Narnian heart. I believe that if you had stayed, this would've happened anyway. From the way that people tell the story, the Telmarines came to Narnia with weapons far greater than anyone could fathom. And maybe if you were there, they would've killed you and your siblings. We will never know but I do know that Aslan has a plan and that we should trust him. I've had horrible things happen to me but I still trust Aslan. I don't know who my family is or where I came from. All I have are the memories of the man who will forever be burned into my brain and my necklace that I don't understand. I've been a Narnian since I was 5 years old and I'm proud of it, but now that I think about it, if I was never taken then I would've never had the family I have now. But for you Peter, no matter how hard you try, you can't be the same King you were in the Golden Age, you have to evolve with the time and adapt to your situations. I know it may be hard but I need you to trust Trumpkin and me, we know more about the current and changed Narnia than you do. But at the end of the day, with you and your siblings here, I know that Narnia's hope is going to grow and that the Telmarines will pay for all the lives they took." I tell him, passion and determination in my voice.

"Thanks, and I will try to listen but it will be hard. Anyway let's get back to the others." He says. But once we get back we hear people scurrying away. Both Peter and I look at each other and chuckle, knowing that his siblings and Trumpkin were ease dropping. 

"We can hear you, you know." Peter shouts. I hear laughter and defeated mumbling from everyone and me and Peter laugh.

"Come on, let's continue our journey." Peter states.


"So were exactly do you two think you saw Aslan?" Peter questions as we make it to the other side of the place we were before.

"I wish you'd all stop trying to sound like grown-ups. I don't think we saw him, we did see him." Lucy says, turning to everyone else.

"I... am a grown up." Trumpkin states causing a Edmund and me to smile.

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