Chapter 12

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Joellen's POV

I was practically sprinting through the woods back to the How even though I'm sure one of my legs was broken as well as a few of my ribs. I continue through the woods, determined to make it to the How before sunrise. My staff acted as a light in the darkness as well as a walking stick at some moments.

I finally see the clearing to the How and I start trying to run faster. I see Glenstorm on watch and when he sees me, he gallops to me. "Princess! My Aslan, what did they do to you?!" Glenstorm picks me up bridal style.

"I am badly bruise and may have and broken ribs and leg. So, please, get me some help, I'm very weak..." I breathe out, exhausted from the beating and running.

Glenstorm takes off into the How with me in his arms. I'm not sure where he's headed until I hear him call out. "Your Majesties!"

"Glenstorm, is everyth- Joe!" I hear Cas call out. He rushes over to me as Glenstorm and he passes me off to him. His sits down holding me and pulls me in a hug and then pulls out to look me over. "What has Miraz done to you?! He gave his word!" He shouts, his voice filled with anger.

"Miraz didn't do anything to me, his men on the other hand..." I trail off, knowing he understands. Cas sits me down on a chair next to them.

Peter comes up beside us and hugs me gently. "How did you escape?" Peter asks. "It was quite easy actually, I used my staff to turn my irons into stone so that I could break them, and Miraz's tent was at the edge of the camp so I was able to take off without no one noticing. I'm in a lot of pain but my staff makes a great walking stick and lantern. They are not going to be very happy when they find me gone." I give a small chuckle but then groan in pain and grab the nearest thing, which happened to be my brother.

"Professor, did Lucy take her cordial with her?" Peter asks. "I'm afraid so my King." He answers sadly. I start to look around. "Where's Ed?" I ask. "He's at the stone table, would you like me to fetch him for you?" Glenstorm asks. I nod to him and he runs off to find Ed.

"What hurts?' Peter asks, wondering if he can make me more comfortable. "Mostly everything is sore but I'm positive they broke my leg and a few ribs." I breathe out. I see Cas's jaw go sharp so I reach out and hold his hand. I squeeze it and he squeezes back, letting out a sigh.

Suddenly, we hear someone sprinting down the hall, I chuckle. "I wonder who that could be?" Peter smirks. Not a second later, Ed comes running into the room scanning it for a certain face. Before I can do anything, his body crashes into mine and I groan in pain. He backs up, afraid that he hurt me only to see the condition I was already in. He see my bloodied face and discolored bruises. He jaw and face go hard.

"Did Miraz do this?! He gave his word! I'll kill the son of a-" "ED!" I grab his attention back. "Miraz said that he wouldn't hurt me and he didn't. He got his men to do it for him." I say but it doesn't help much. His face softens and he pulls me back into a hug, kissing the top of my head.

"Joe, I know this isn't the right time but how did Miraz react to seeing you alive?" Cas asks me. "He was not happy, after failing to kill me twice, just seeing me made him doubt himself. But now I can rub it in his face tommorow that he failed to kill me three times." I laugh to myself.

"But I thought Miraz didn't touch you when you were there?" Peter inquires. "He didn't. He failed to kill me as a baby, he failed to kill me with the boat, and they were... they planned to execute me in front of everyone tommorow, but I escaped so they couldn't thus making it three." I finish. Cas pulls me into his arms, away from Ed. "Thank Aslan you escaped."

"Speaking of tomorrow, Joe, you can't fight in your current state. You have a broken leg and some broken ribs." Cas says. "I agree with him, Joe, you need to heal." Ed adds.

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