Chapter 11

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Joellen's POV

"All finished... now who's going to deliver it?" Peter asks.

"King Edmund must do it but I would rather not send him alone." The Professor speaks up.

"I'll go with him, Sire." Glenstorm offers. Peter and Ed nod their heads in approval before I speak up.

"I'll go too." I say, getting everyone's attention.

"Joe, no, you should stay--" Cas starts but I interrupt. "Miraz needs to see my face, he thought he killed me twice, as a baby and with the boat, but I'm here, stronger than ever and he needs to see that. It is only reassurance that his plan is failing and that he is not going to win. Plus, I'll have Glenstorm and Ed with me."

"She's right, when Miraz sees her alive, he'll be left speechless." Susan says looking to my brother. He lets out a sigh and nods his head, knowing we're right.

"Ok, but be careful, don't let him get to your head." Cas warns me. "You all need to carry an olive branch, that way they know you come in peace." He adds. We all nod and I leave to go put on my armor.


Ed, Glenstorm, and I are headed into the camp when a solider directs us to a structure in the middle of the camp. It is there that I see Miraz and his council of lords sitting at a table. Miraz in the middle. He looks over to me but doesn't give me much thought.

"'I, Peter, by gift of Aslan, by election and by conquest, High King of Narnia, Lord of Cair Paravel and Emperor of the Lone Islands, in order to prevent the abominable effusion of blood, do hereby challenge the usurper Miraz, to single combat upon the field of battle. The fight shall be to the death. The reward shall be total surrender.'" Ed reads out the scroll to the council and Miraz.

"Tell me, Prince Edmund--" Miraz starts. "King." Ed corrects. "Pardon me?" Miraz inquires. "It's 'King Edmund' actually." Ed states.

Oh my gosh, he has never been more attractive than he is right now...

"Just 'King' though. Peter's the High King... I know, it's confusing." Ed continues awkwardly.

"You should've just stopped at 'actually.'" I whisper to him.

"Why would we risk such a proposal when our armies could wipe you out by nightfall?" Miraz says in his cocky voice.

"Haven't you already underestimated out numbers?" Ed shoots back. "I mean, only a week ago, Narnians were extinct."

"And so you will be again." Miraz says. It takes me everything not to run over to him and stab him in his high chair.

"Then you should have little to fear." Ed smirks to him. Miraz just laughs out loud.

"This is not a question of bravery." Miraz continues to laugh so I take my chance to make myself known.

"So you're bravely refusing to fight a swordsman half your age?" I mock to him.

"Hold your tongue lady! How dare you mock me?!" Miraz shouts to me. "Who are you to address me as such?!"

"Wow, I'm surprised you don't recognize me, after all, we've met before and... we are family." I smirk to him.

"Sire, " Lord Gozelle interrupts, "she's one of the prisoners we threw off the boat with the dwarf."

Everything become quiet and his eyes squint in annoyance. He rises out of his chair and leans over the table. "I'll ask once more, who are you?" His anger present in his words.

I look to Ed only for him to smile and me and then step back , allowing me to take the middle.

"My name is Joellen, Princess Joellen. Surely you recognize me now, Uncle?" I mock him, drilling my eyes into his. Miraz let's out a hearty laugh and the others join him.

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