Chapter 13

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Joellen's POV

We all make it to the edge of the woods but stop when the Telmarines stop and look back to us. I hold me staff near me, ready to fight.

"Why'd they stop?" Susan asks. I look around and smile at the sight. "Lucy." I see her with her dagger out and I see them all smiling, seeing that she was alright but also that Lord Sopespian was scared of her.

Suddenly, I see a golden figure emerge from the woods behind her. "Aslan." I whisper, amazed at the sight of him. But I'm brought out of that trance when I hear Lord Sopespian yell, "Charge!"

My smile falls and I take a battle stance. Ready to take down anyone who threated Lucy. But it turns out I didn't have to. Just at the Telmarines got close enough, Aslan let out a mighty roar, stopping them in their tracks.

I hear murmuring and then see Telmarine soldiers fighting to get out of the water. I look over to the others but it seems that they are just as confused as I am.

Suddenly, I see the water rise up out of the river only to take the form of a man. The man of water went up to the bridge and looked upon it. I see it look over to Aslan and then move his hands to the bridge, destroying it, taking Lord Sopespian with it.


The Telmarine soldiers surrendered after seeing seeing the power of Aslan. We took them and their weapons peacefully. Cas, Ed, Peter, Susan, and I all made our way across the river to Lucy and Aslan. When we reached them, I put my staff the to ground and knelt before them. The other four followed me. 

"Rise, King and Queens of Narnia." Aslan spoke. Peter, Susan, and Ed all stood up but Cas and I remained on the ground.

"All of you." He spoke again, looking to me and my brother.

"I do not think I am ready." Cas spoke. "Me neither, Your Grace." I spoke up.

"It's for that very reason I know you both are." Aslan said as he smiled to us. We both stood up and I felt Ed grab my hand and squeeze it. I look over to him to see him with the biggest smile on his face.

However all of us turn when we hear the sound of bagpipes playing. I see Reep being carried by a group of mice and my smile falls. Lucy runs up to them and places a drop of her cordial in Reep's mouth. He starts to gasp and my smile returns knowing he's alright. 

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" He tells Lucy only to gasp again at the sight of Aslan. "Oh! Hail, Aslan! It is an honor to be in-- oh, oh!" He trips and falls on the ground. He turns only to find his tail missing. "I'm completely out of counterbalance! I must crave your indulgence for appearing in this unseemly fashion." He says to Aslan. He then turns to Lucy and speaks up. "Perhaps a drop more?" He asks.

"I don't think it does that..." Lucy says. "You could have a go?" Reep pleads causing me to give a slight chuckle. Aslan joining me a second later.

"It becomes you, small one." Aslan says. "All the same, great King, I regret that I must withdraw, for a tail is the honor and glory of a mouse." Reep says, holding his sword out to Aslan.

"Perhaps you think too much of your honor, friend." Aslan tells him. 

"Well, it's not just the honor. It's also great for balance. And climbing. And grabbing things..." Reep starts to rant causing us all to chuckle. 

"May it please your High Majesty, we will not bear the shame of wearing an honor denied to our chief." One of the mice speaks up. The other mice agree as they all raise their swords up to their tails.

Aslan chuckles and speaks up. "Not for the sake of your dignity, but for the love of your people." He says. Suddenly, Reep's tail grows back and he we all laugh at his joy. "Look! Thank you, my liege, I will treasure it always! From this day forward it will serve as a great reminder of my huge humility." Reep exclaims causing us all to laugh. 

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