Chapter 1 : Without Killer.

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Dust POV~

So, it's been about a week since Killer left. The boss is still in his room. He barely ate, because each time we brought him a plate with food, nearly all of it was still on when we came with the new one. We even got to ask Lust to cook him something, hoping he would eat, if it was delicious, but no, still the same.

Well, Horror's stomach wasn't complaining, since he had more food to eat, but it was getting worrisome. I mean, I ask Blue to ask Dream if the Boss did something like that in the past, and from what Blue got, no, he didn't. I mean, Dream has even exiged to meet with us, because Blue spilt the beans. Horror sighed at this.

Horror : So, where are we meeting them ?

Dust : I suggest my Au, since you know... everyone is dead ?

Horror : And ?

Dust : They agreed. Error and Cross will be here too, and they said you could bring your boyfriend, if you wanted to.

Horror : Alright, let me ask Lusty... ... He said yes. We just have to go join him to his house. He said Papyrus wasn't there. Something about a date, or something.

I shrug and we teleport to Underlut to get Lust who hugs the shit out of Horror. He smiles genuinely, while hugging back. I wait for them to finish, then I teleport home. I got the chair for everyone to sit down somewhere. Lust left to cook something for us to eat, while talking... and maybe hide from Error, so he won't storm out here immediately. Well, when we speak of the glitch.

Horror : Sup, Error, Ink. Where are the others ?

Ink : Dream and Cross left to get Blue. Since his Papyrus isn't fond of me and Error, we went ahead to join you.

Error : Who is cooking if you are here...? Because I won't eat Dust crappy food.

Lust : Don't worry, Darling~

He glitches violently, until Ink slowly takes his hand and brings him to the couch so he won't get a "sneaky attack". I come back from the kitchen with 2 chairs and think about where I would go to "borrow" the others.

Horror got the table in the middle of the room so everyone will have access to Lust's food, by being around.

Horror : Why not take Asgore's chairs ?

Dust : Yeah, good idea.

Ink : Need help ?

Dust : Why not...

Horror : Yeah, I come too, because Dust has no strength in his arms.

Dust : ... I will murder you in your sleep.

Lust : Do this dear, and I give you to Muffet's employees, which are all rapists by the way.

I gulp because the only thing to know with Lust is... do not touch Horror if you don't want trouble. Horror laughs and kisses Lust's cheekbone before leaving with Ink to get two more chairs. They bring it back then Ink leaves to get one at Toriel's house.

Error : We are still one chair short.

Lust : No.

Ink : Yes we are.

Lust : No.

We look at Lust intrigued. He smiles and says to Horror to put the chair like he instructs while he ends cooking. Dream, Blue and Cross finally arrive just when Lust gets out of the kitchen.

Error : Took you long enough. Is Carrot this protective ?

Cross : He saw we were going to Dust, so yeah... We had to put him to sleep magically...

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