Chapter 7 : Unclemare

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Nightmare POV~

Some days later...

Today is a beautiful day outside. The birds are singing, the flowers of my garden are blooming (who care for those of others). On days like this, people like me... enjoy reading their book, their cute (soon to be) lover sleeping on them, while sipping from time to time their coffee.

? : BOSS !!!

Of course it was too perfect to stay like that... I see Killer wake up, startle by the noise, same with his bunnies. (He named the black one Night and the white one Nifu). We turn around to see who entered the room, to see Dust.

Nightmare : What ?

Dust : Wait... KILLER, YOU ARE BACK !!!

I grab him with a tentacle and get Killer behind me, because I heard stomping in the stair, so I bet Horror is rushing here too.

I grab him before he can try anything and look sternly at them.

Nightmare : Now, tell me what is so important you disturbed my perfect morning ?

Dust : Ah, yes. Hm...

Horror : Dream got a child.

I take a minute to actually understand what Horror said.

Killer : Wait, how do YOU know ?

Horror : Not me. Lust. He sent me a message, because Dream and Cross are panicked.

Nightmare : ... So it means that Cross...

Dust : Actually, no. From what we get, they didn't do it, which is why they panic. And the child is weird.

Horror shows me a picture. Killer leans on my shoulder to see.

Killer : Why does the child of two skeletons look like a purplish fireball ?

Nightmare : No, taking in account what Dream and I actually are, it is pretty normal. I suppose they panic because Cross doesn't know how to take care of an energy being. As for Dream, I guess he doesn't know either.

Killer : Because you do ?

Nightmare : Yes.

Dust : ... Can you do your duty as an uncle for them ?

Nightmare : Why would I ?

Killer : Nightmare, please ? I want to see the child... and it could be interesting.

Nightmare : ... Fine. Tell them we will meet them at Dustale.

Dust : Alright.

Horror : Pretty sure Blue and Ink will be there too.

Dust : Error too, I think.

I sigh and put them down. Killer and I prepare ourselves to go outside. Good bye, perfect morning. Hello, hellish day.


We got to Dust's old house. Horror, Blue, Lust and him are preparing it. Well, actually, Blue is comforting a baby... wait. Why is Blue holding a baby ?

Killer : Why is Blue holding a baby ?

Thanks, Killer !

Blue : This will be long, if we get to speak of that.

Ink teleports here, with Error, Fresh (Why ?!) and... a child ?!

Blue : Oh, PJ. Hi !

PJ : Hi, uncle Blue. Give me Blueprint. We will go upstairs with Mr. Fresh.

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