Chapter 10 : Apology

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Epic POV~

I was walking in Outertale with Color to cheer him up, until we see Horror, Dust and Killer.

Color : K... Sans ?

Dust and Horror are the first to turn toward us, then Killer does. He really is different from how I got used to seeing him. His soul no longer looks like a target, but an upside-down human soul. He doesn't have void eyes-sockets and there is no trace that let you guess he had black tears marks.

Killer : Color...

He takes a step back, at which Color seems to gets even sadder.

Epic : Hey, Kills Bruh... I think Color and you should talk a bit... Would you accept ? Thanks a lot, come you two.

I don't let time for Killer to answer and drag Horror and Dust a bit farther away. We are still close enough for them to see us, and vice-versa, but it lets them have a bit of intimacy.

Epic : Please, Bruh, let them speak to each other for a bit.

I beg Horror and Dust. They look at each other, then at Killer then me. They sigh.

Dust : Only five minutes. If things go well. If he is being a jerk to Killer, we leave at once.

Epic : Thanks Bruh.

Horror is already watching what is going on, and we do the same.

Color POV~

When I saw Epic leave while dragging Dust and Horror, I froze. I look worriedly at Killer, who seems as tense as me, if not more.

Killer : ... What do you want ?

He is being a bit harsh.

Color : ... I deserve it... Even if I wasn't well, I should have taken my anger on you Killer... I am sorry. I said a lot of things... that were false and hurt you... I was a jerk... I understand if you don't want to hear about me anymore... And if that is the case, I will just go get your bunnies and disappear... Just... I was terribly wrong about everything I said about you, that day. I am a terrible excuse for a friend...

I feel my eyes tearing up. I clench my fist to hold them back. Killer eyes lights disappeared. I get a bit worried and hesitate on if I should get close or not.

Color : Sans ?

Killer : ... ... Keep my bunnies. I do get... that Nightmare was partly responsible for your mood. And I should have noticed too.

Color : Sans, I hide it from you. I didn't want you to feel bad because Nightmare was taking his anger on me.

Killer : ... ... It will take a bit of time... but I can try to forgive you. ... If you apologise to Nightmare. What you said on him was even worse than what you said on me.

Color : ... Yeah, I guess I was harsher on him, since how I was upset at him, after all. But I am pretty sure if I get near him with you around, he will kill me, thinking I am trying to take you away, once again... So I think that will be hard.

Epic : Also, Dream knows what he said on Nightmare. He is upset at him for that.

Color : Yeah. That was a bit scary. And I think Cross calms him down. I don't want to know how it would have been if Cross wasn't here.

Dust : I get this feeling. Sometimes, you feel how Dream is Nightmare's twin. There is time he has the exact same look.

Killer : You never noticed before ?

All : Huh ?

Killer : Sometimes, when Nightmare reads, he has a small smile, when everything is quiet. On a mission I had to spy on Dream, I saw him with the exact same face. He was listening to nature, so peacefully. His guard was so down I could have killed him, but because he had the same face Nightmare pull, I didn't have it in me to do it. So I just spy on him. Sometimes, I nearly felt bad for him, because he really seemed to miss Nightmare.

Color : Wait... you felt ? It was before we met, no ? Your soul wasn't fixed, how...

Killer : I think it is because... I know that feeling. I know it too well... So maybe a part of me remembered it...

Dust : Hm. I see what you mean.

We all turn to look at Dust.

Dust : What ? I am closer to Killer the Boss could ever hope to be, when it is to understand him. We did go through some similar shit, because of Chara.

Horror : We should get home, now, however.

Dust : Yeah, or the boss will throw us in a wall and keep Killer for himself.

Killer : He wouldn't do it... right ?

We all look at Killer, with the same face. He would do it, no doubt on this. They go away, but not after Killer gives me a quick hug. I cried, when they left and Epic comforted me. I was so relieved... He actually forgave me. He gave me a second chance.

We stayed like that for a little while. I didn't want to pull away, I felt oh so well in his arms.

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