Chapter 13 : Moving.

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Third Person POV

The Bad Guys (with the help of Epic, Color, Reaper and Geno) are helping the Stars Sans to move into the Castle. Nightmare organises the room so the lovers will sleep next door. Good thing Cross and Killer don't use their old room. Blue uses Killer old room and Lust Cross' one.

Dream has a room near Nightmare and Killer one. Cross sleeps next door because I quote "You won't touch my sweet and innocent little brother in MY castle you stupid Oreo".

Right now, Fresh, PJ and Palette keep baby Lux, Blueprint and Raven occupied with their power. Goth read, not too far. Nightmare let him borrow some of his books.

Once the moving was donne, everyone sighed, happy.

All : Finally.

Fresh : Hey my Broskies, sorry to break it to y'all, but someone must cook dinner.

We all groan, except Ink.

Ink : Fresh, before making everyone upset, look at the kitchen.

Fresh : Hm ?

Template : Dinner is ready. I have to go.

Ink : Thank you for the help, Template.

Template : No need to thank me. I should be doing the thanking, Ink. Once I tell Pale about it, he will stop destroying AU... hopefully.

Killer : Who is that ?

Ink : This is Template. Remember ? I talked about him once. He is an alternate Error who protects AU. Pale is his Ink.

Template : He destroys AU to have feelings, so I ask Ink for advice to solve the problem. He said he could do something for him, so I offered to help him with something as a thanks.

Ink : Also, Template is a great cook.

Template : Not that much. Anyway, I gotta go. It is hard to find Pale, except if he destroyed AU who gave him fear or sadness.

He opens a glitchy portal thanks to a huge numeric pen. We all get to eat, and damn, Ink is right, he is a great cook.

Lust : Where did he learn to cook like that ?

Ink : Nowhere. He doesn't belong to an AU, remember ? And everyone confuse him for Error, so he is attacked on sight. That is why he is only on good terms with me and Pale. He also has Error haphephobia. Pale is the only one who never triggered it.

Horror : Wait, seriously, why ?

Ink : I think it is because, since Pale doesn't have feelings, he doesn't touch you, unless necessary. And most of the time, it is to help Template. They are on pretty good terms, because whenever Pale absorbs negative feelings, Template comforts him softly.

Dream : So, he asks you a way to fix Pale ?

Ink : Yes and no. There is no actual way to fix it. But there are ways to make it bearable. It is what I do.

Lust : Hm... Ah, Horror, while I have you. Asgore and Toriel agreed on giving the house to me.

Horror : Really ?

All : What house ?

Horror : We were thinking of living together, and I suggested that we live in Toriel's house in the ruins, in Underlust, since Toriel doesn't live there. And it seems they agreed.

Lust : Yup. So I will begin to clean the house with Pap and the others.

Horror : Can I go help them ?

Nightmare : You don't need to ask me anymore.

Blue : You are lucky. I bet if I said to Papy I wanted to live with Dust, he would be dusted.

We all contain laughter and after a while, Blue realises it. He groaned, when he understood he did a pun.

Killer : Meh, Dust and I have our entire AU for ourselves, so...

Dust : Yeah, plain boring.

Ink : ahaha. Is Geno living with you, Reaper ?

Reaper : No, most of the time, he is in the save screen, actually. I would like for him to live with me, however.

Ink : Hm... I can maybe do something for you.

All : Hm ?

Ink : There is a way for Geno to have an AU in which he could live with you and your children. I will maybe need Template help for a bit. I will tell you later.

They nod, surprise.

Error : What are you planning ?

Ink : To go talk to someone. Don't worry, I won't create a new AU, technically speaking. But I will modify one a tiny bit.

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