Chapter 5 : Bunny !!

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Nightmare' POV~

When I suggested getting him a rabbit he got up immediately and looked at me with stars in his eyes and I felt excitement in him.

I chuckle softly at how cute he is.

Nightmare : Alright, but YOU will be taking care of the small one.

Killer : Yes !

I get up and change back in my passive form. He stares at me.

Nightmare : Like that, we can buy it without having to worry about getting in a fight with someone. Dress up, and come.

I throw him clothes that should fit him (I planned them, while he was away. I just wanted to see how he looks in my clothes)

He changes fast and seems to have trouble containing himself to bounce everywhere. I grab his hand and teleport into a pacifist AU. We go to a pet's store and he runs off to the bunny section.

I follow him calmly, smiling to myself at how cute his smile is. He looks at all the different bunnies and seems to have problems choosing between two.

It was a cute white bunny with black eyes, which reminded me a bit of him and a black one, with a marking who looked like a crescent moon on his forehand.

Killer : Urgh...

Nightmare : If you really want, we can take them both.

Killer : Really ?

He looks like I granted his biggest dream. I chuckle. I knew he loved bunnies, but it seems I underestimated it.

Nightmare : Yes. Just, don't forget I exist, while you take care of them. You don't want me to get jealous, right ?

Killer : Jealous ? Of bunnies ? You are that desperate for affection ?

He looks at me mockingly. I kiss his foreskull.

Nightmare : Only from you~

He becomes a blushing mess and runs away to find someone to get the two bunnies. I look at them blankly.

Nightmare : If it makes him happy, it is fine.

I see Killer coming back with an employee and... the Sans from this world, I guess ? They seem to know each other.

Nightmare : ... Hey, Kills. You introduce me to your friend ?

Killer : Ah. Yeah, it is true you don't know him. Night, this is Ccino, Ccino, this is Night.

Ccino : Nice to meet you, Night.

I nod and stare at him, trying to figure if he is just a friend or a threat. He gets startled and hides behind Killer.

Killer : Night, leave him alone. Also, Ccino makes the best coffee, if you want. We could go to your cafe, if it is alright with you ?

Ccino : Yes, of course. I just opened a new one, in this AU.

Nightmare : Oh. So he isn't the Sans from here ? How does Killer know him, then ?

Killer abandons him when he sees he gets to take his bunnies. He snuggles them with a smile.

We go to buy them and the shopkeeper gives us a cage to carry them home. Ccino bought dogs' food.

The two of them talk happily and Ccino opens a Cafe's door. I guess it is his.

Killer put the bunnies cage on a table and a dog ran to Ccino happily. He also seems pretty happy to see Killer. I guess they met at an "animal friend meeting" or something.

Ccino feeds his dog and goes to make us something to drink. He comes back with a black coffee for me and a strawberry milkshake with a bit of chocolate for Killer.

Killer smiles happily and blush a bit. I will consider this day as our first date in my head.

Ccino : Oh, Night. I just thought of it, but, how do you and Killer know each other ?

Nightmare : Oh. I met him when he was badly injured after a mission he did for the Bad, when he was still part of it. From his state, I would guess it went up badly. And you two ?

Ccino : Oh, I met him at a refuge for abandoned animals. He was with Color, and we also ran into Outer there. We all became friends at that time.

Nightmare : Seriously ?

Killer : Yes. Outer took a hamster, and Ccino took Ferdi.

Nightmare : Hm.... who ?

The dog barks to answer me.

Nightmare : Oh.

The two others laugh a bit at this, and Ccino pet his dog.

Ccino : I remember Kill took at least five different bunnies. What happened to them ?

Killer : Well. The one who was sick died, but I took extra care of him, for the short time he still had. As for the others... one of them unfortunately met Horror when he was hungry like hell.

Nightmare, Ccino : Ah.

Nightmare : Could it be that time when I found Killer trying to choke Horror in anger ?

Ccino : And the three others ?

Killer : I gave them to Color, after the "incident" with Horror, just to be safe. I think he said something about the fact that one of them began to learn how to fight ?

Ccino : What ?

Nightmare : We are still talking of a bunny, right ?

Killer : Yes. I blame Epic for that, just like Color does.

Ccino, Nightmare : ... I don't want to know.

We continue to talk around our drink, when I look at the clock.

Nightmare : Hm ? Oh, it is getting late. We should get going, Killer. Those two must be eager to discover their new home.

Killer : Alright. Bye, Ccino.

Ccino : Come back whenever you want with your cute boyfriend.

Killer stops himself blushing madly while I smile with a bit of a purple blush.

Killer : He isn't my boyfriend !

Nightmare : Yet at least.

I get out laughing while I hear Killer dying from embarrassment and Ccino saying he expects me to send him the wedding invite.

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