Chapter 4 : Finally back

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Hello there to those who skip the previous chapter. Killer will do you a quick resume of it !! Enjoy.

Killer POV~

I wake up slowly, and feel someone cuddling me from behind. I turn around slowly, and am greeted with an unknown skeleton. Well, he looks a bit like Dream. ... wait. Now that I look more closely... isn't it Nightmare's room...? So... It wasn't a dream ? And that skelton would be... Nightmare ?

I stare at the sleeping skeleton. He is taller than me, but he looks cute. I fully turned around and stroked his skull slowly. He rubs his head against my hand, purring, with a purple blush.

Nightmare : Kills...

I startle a bit, thinking he is awake, but notice he is trembling and seems about to cry.

Killer : *The king of nightmares, having a nightmare. What a irony*

I hug him, and try to calm him slowly.

Killer : Shush... I am here, boss... stop crying, alright ?

I smile as he cuddles against my chest. He truly is cute in his true form.

Killer : I kinda get Dream right now... He just misses how cute he used to be...

I giggle to myself closing my eyes... when I feel lips against mine. I open my eyes in shock to see Nightmare kissing me.

Nightmare : So you think I am cute ? Weird, I would have thought that word fit more to the sub~

He smirks at me while I feel my cheekbones going on fire, remembering last night. Wait...

Killer : ... Did you... use protection, last night ?

Nightmare : Nope. I don't care if you get pregnant with my child. Actually, it would even give me a excuse to lock you up in the mansion, without the others complaining~

I take a pillow and smash it in his face. It only makes him laugh. Like, a sweet but teasing laugh. Not his usual sadistic one.

Killer : Out of question I get pregnant.

Nightmare : ... I think it is too late to complain, Kills~

I look at him, then at my soul... to see a smaller one on mine.

Killer : Oh my fucking god...

Nightmare : Thanks~

Killer : ... I hate you, you know that ?

Nightmare : That was not the impression you gave me yesterday.

He gets up and dresses then turns to face me and gives me one of his sweat. I grumble and put it on. Because he is stupidly tall, it goes till my mid-thigh.

Killer : Seriously, how can you and Dream be brothers ?

Nightmare : How can Sans and Papyrus be brothers ?

Killer : touché... We aren't twins.

Nightmare : I petrified Dream for centuries. He will most likely be around my height one day.

Killer : Oh god... that will break some hearts. Most of the multiverse most likely want him to stay a small bean.

Nightmare : Ahaha ! On that point, you are right.

I didn't notice but he went back into his usual goopy form.

Nightmare : I will go grab us breakfast. You will have one week inside of my apartment, without seeing someone else. If you behave, you can then talk with Horror and Dust, once again.

He leaves before I can complain.

Killer : Great... I went to the right-hand man to his pet, it seems. Just great... I shouldn't have gone back... ... Something tells me he actually would have brought me back against my will... But I would have hated that...

Nightmare comes back with two plates and hands me one. I eat on his bed while he eats and works at the same time. He seems to have more paperwork than before I left. Weird.

I finish eating my food and lay on the bed, bored.

Killer : Nightmare... Do you have something for me to pass time ?

I look at him whining. He turns his head toward me.

Nightmare : You can try a wonderful thing, Killer. It is called... a book.

He points to a bookshelf fill to the brim.

Killer : Nooo... I don't want to read. I am not in the mood... And I don't have my phone...

Nightmare : ... How about a bunny ? You like those, if I remember correctly, no ?

I sit up right away and look at him, stars in the eyes.

Killer : Yes !!

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