Chapter 2 : Back at home ?

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Dust POV~

When we got back... And we saw Nightmare out of his room, looking at us, pissed off.

Horror, Dust : Boss, you're out !

Nightmare : Yeah. And where were you ?

He looks coldly at us.

Horror : Well...

Dust : We got out to try to think of a way to cheer you up. But it won't be needed anymore, apparently.

Nightmare : Hm. You won't have as much free time, now. From tomorrow on, you will have to work again.

Horror : Hm, boss ?

Nightmare : What ?

Horror : What will you do... about Killer ?

I look at him like he is crazy... wait, he is... I look back at Nightmare... who shows no emotion, whatsoever.

Nightmare : I will be dealing with this issue myself. And never go near Killer, without me agreeing beforehand.

His aura is becoming way more intense and dark. We hurry up to nod frantically.

Nightmare : Good. Now, I will go back to my room. There are things I need to do.

He teleports away. I give a slap at the back of Horror' skull.

Dust : You moron, did you have a death wish ?!

Horror : Sorry. It slipped out of my mouth alone...

I sighed.

Nightmare POV~

It has been around a month now. I was working in my office, while spying on Killer's and Color's feelings when suddenly...

Nightmare : *By me !! It is finally happening !!!*

I teleport. I hear Killer and Color arguing, and I feel Killer's feeling being crushed by Color's words. I feel a bit bad for Killer, but he had it coming. He doesn't give him a chance to apologize and teleports away. I teleport inside and do a sarcastic clapping. Color turns around and throws daggers at me with his eyes.

I taunt Color a bit and smash him in a wall. Being weak from having nearly no sleep during a month, he faints. I teleport to Killer. He is crying alone near a cliff.

Nightmare : Killer ?

He jumps on his feet and turns around, with fear in his sad teary eyes.

Killer : N-nightmare...? W-what do you want...?

He begins to back away, at which I open my eyes wide.

Nightmare : Killer, please... Get away from that cliff...

Killer : Why ? You are going to kill me for betraying you no ? Or do you plan on torturing me ? Even the one guy that made me feel like I had the right to forgiveness, after everything I did turn his back on me... go ahead, laugh at me ! That must please you... to see me suffer... from being a complete idiot...

He cries and yells. I try to get to him.

Nightmare : ... Kil...

Killer : Stay back !!

He takes a step back but the part of the cliff on which he walks breaks under his feet.

Nightmare : Killer !!!

I rush to him and grab him. I pull him in my arms and teleport somewhere without a cliff, so he won't be in danger. He pushes away from me.

Killer : Why save me...? You plan on taking away my feelings ? Or do you plan to kill me slowly to make me pay to have betrayed you ?

Nightmare : ... None of it. I came to see you, because I felt you were sad... I was... worried... I... Please, come back home with me. Not as my subordonate... You won't have to work... I would protect you from everything... make sure you are alright... I want to see you smile...

He seems shocked... Normal, I guess.

Nightmare : ... Please... Dust and Horror also miss you... I just... forbid them to go near you... and respect your choice... but if Color doesn't make you happy, then I don't have a reason to hold back myself to ask you to come back.

Killer : ... I suppose... I can go back...

I am overjoyed hearing that but try to not show it too much. I take Killer's hand and teleport to my room with him. I lock it up, before leaving.

Killer : Hum...? Nightmare...? Why are we in your room...?

Nightmare : 1) From now on, it is also yours. 2) Because I can't punish you for leaving somewhere else, can I ?~

I hug him from behind and kiss his neck. He gets startled and tries to pull away.

Killer : S-stop ! You never spoke about it !

Nightmare : I said you wouldn't work for me, remember ? But I never said anything about you being free again... because, I won't let you leave me again. I would dust the entire multiverse to get you once again. I was kind enough to not kill Color, even so he took you away, you know ?

My tentacules slid on him and I pinned him to our bed. I begin to strip him slowly, while licking his body. He obviously tries to free himself, but I don't let him. I take a collar from under my pillow and put it on him.

Nightmare : Sorry, Kill... This here, will stop you from using magic. I won't let you leave.


So, Tomorrow, I will post two chapters. Killer's "punishment" and the following one, for the innocents souls that are too pure for lemon. My way to apologise.

For those who don't want to read lemon, don't worry, there isn't much happening in the next chapter, so it won't be needed to read it.

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