Chapter 9 : Let the stars guide you

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Killer POV~

I am finally allowed to get out of Nightmare's room. I usually hang out with him somewhere around, but I try to ignore it and speak with Dust and Horror.

Today, Nightmare works in his office, and after a lot of pestering, they obtained that we could spend the day going around AUs, but we mustn't fight. I state "If there is a scratch on Kiler, I will have you both see what true fear is."

Horror : Where should we go ?

Killer : Hm... Maybe Outertale ? They are used to us going there just to stargazing. And Ccino opened a Cafe there. What do you think ?

Dust : Why not. But you will have to show us where that Cafe is.

Killer : No prob.

We then all go to Outertale. We run into Ink and Error.

Ink : Oh, hi guys !

Error : Eh, long time no see.

Killer : Yup. So, how do you take being a dad, Error ?

Error : Well, PJ is a bit of a brat, when Fresh and Ink aren't around.

Ink : What did you say about my angel ?

Error : The truth ? He likes you both, but pretty sure he isn't this fond of me.

Horror : That will come over time, maybe.

Error : No idea.

Ink : What were you planning to do ?

Killer : We were going to Ccino Cafe. Wanna tag along or you prefer your date ?

I think Error is blushing, while Ink laughs a bit.

Ink : I am fine either way. What do you want Error ?

Error : ... Yeah, we can go with them, I guess.

Dust : Well, let's follow Killer, then.

I nod and guide them to the Cafe. Ccino decided to put himself in Starfall, so he won't bother Grillby and Muffet too much. When I open the door, Ferdi comes to me, all happy. Ink's eyes lighten immediately.

Ink : Can I pet him ?

Killer : Of course, he loves it.

He pet him, with the biggest smile I ever saw him pull. He seems to be a dog person, huh ? Error sneakily took a picture, but since I am more sneakily than him, I saw it. I informed Horror and Dust of it, and they both snicker a bit.

I go see Ccino, who smiles at me.

Ccino : Heya, Kills. Do you all go to the same table ?

Killer : Yes, please.

Ccino : Alright. Here a menu, so you can you if you want something with it.

I nod and we all go to the same table. Ink is too focused on Ferdi, so Error chooses for him too.

Error : So, how is it going in the castle ?

Killer : Well, Nightmare stalks me, when he isn't working. ... He doesn't have a power who would allow him to stalk me when he is working, right ?

Ink : Hm... A power, no. But he is friends with Bill Sans, if I remember correctly. So, Bill can stalk you, then inform him, I guess ?

Horror : Wait, what ?

Dust : Really ? Where is our intimacy ?

Error : Ahaha. Be careful of what you do there, buddy.

Outertale Frisk brings us our order, then leaves.

Dust : Wait, the Frisk work here ?

Killer : Yes and no. They can decide to help around, some time, and Ccino pay them, when they do. This way, they make money, without getting in a fight. Also, Ferdi bite those who try to harm Ccino or the humans who work here. When he has a Cafe at the surface, he has actual employees, but when it is like right now, he works alone, with Frisk helping a bit.

Horror : Oh. It would be great, if he opened a Cafe in my AU.

Horror takes a bit of his cake.

Ccino : I need to do something before it... But I feel like it would be unfair competition with Grill and Muffet...

Horror : If you want, I can tell Grill you want to do a partnership or something with him. For Muffet... I don't know if she will listen to me, franckly, but I can try.

Killer : What do you need to do before ?

Ccino : I was thinking to go ask Farmer Sans if he wanted to give me part of his croop so I could bring it to Horrortale.

Ink : Hm... It would mean finding a way to get the food to one AU to the other...

Error : Yeah, and without Horrortale or Farmertale people to get in the other AU.

Killer : It is possible ?

Ink : ... Maybe. I will need to ask Template what he thinks of it. His magic is better to visualise what could happen. I try to join him.

Error groans at the name.

Dust : Wait, who is Template ?

Ink : A version of Error who protects AUs, like I do. He also have his own doodlesphere. He is pretty cool to be around.

Error is upset... Wait, is he jealous ?

Killer : Ink, I think Error is getting jelly, here~

Ink blinks a bit, then turns toward Error who blush a deep blue and throws daggers at me.

Ink : ... Seriously, Ruru, you know Template is just a friend. No need to be this upset.

We laugh a bit, and decide to let them at their date. While walking, we then hear a voice.

? : K... Sans ?

Dust and Horror turn around and I freeze. I slowly turn, to see... Color. He seems about to cry. Epic is with him, and looks worriedly at him then me.

Killer : ... Color...

I take a step back. He gets startled and looks down.

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