Chapter 11 : Sweet Bakamare

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Nightmare POV~

Bill Sans just got in my office to tell me what happened while Killer was out with Dust and Horror. They left Killer talk to Color ? And Killer forgave and hugged Color ?!

I clench my fist too strong and break my pen in two. I felt them teleport in the living room. I signal Bill to leave and get out.

They all chatted and Horror seemed overjoyed, by the idea of Ccino opening a Cafe in his AU. Killer smiles at it and Dust says he could maybe invite Blue to one of the Cafe, if there is one in Underswap.

Killer : Yes there is. Ccino makes Cafe in the Pacifist timeline only, however.

Dust : So it will be a tranquil date. Yay ! Where is his Cafe in Underswap ?

Killer text on his new phone. Probably to send Dust the location. I grab Killer with a tentacle. He jolts and turns around to see me. The two others jump from their seat and stand straight.

Nightmare : You two... Go to your room, and you are forbidden to text your boyfriend.

I glare at them and they go away. I hear them grumble a bit. I go to my room, Killer still in my tentacle. I put him down and glared at him.

Killer : ... Let me guess. You know we run into Color ?

Nightmare : Yes.

Killer : I didn't do anything wrong !

Nightmare : You hugged him ! Nobody should have the right to touch you except me !

Killer : I am not your pet, Nightmare ! Color is my friend. He apologised for what he told that day. And I won't leave again, if that is why you are upset.

Nightmare : And how can I trust that ? You already left once, without turning back. Without a glance for me ! You already abandon me once... I refuse to live it a second time...

I feel myself shake, and Killer's face goes from anger to... worry ? He comes at me and hugs me softly.

Killer : Night, breath. Everything is alright. I am here.

I hug Killer back. I understand now why I was shaking and he seemed worried. I am crying and changing back in my passive self.

Nightmare : ... You make me weak... but I don't want you to leave... Because I feel like death without you... Stay with me... I beg you... don't leave me like Dream did... I can't take it...

He gently strokes my back

Killer : You are wrong on something, Nightmare.

I look at him. He gently wipes my tears away, with a soft and caring smile.

Killer : Dream didn't leave you. He never did. He fights for you. He feels like he lost you, yeah, but he never stops reaching for you. And I bet he never will. Because you are his dear brother... Am I right, Dream ?

I jump a bit, and turn around where he looks. Dream is at the doorway with Cross.

Killer : Dust and Horror got worried and asked you to be ready, if Night tried to hurt me, isn't it ?

Dream : ...

Cross : Yes. You really know them well.

Dream has teary eyes and seems frozen in place. I suddenly feel cold and notice Killer isn't hugging me anymore. Before I can say anything, Dream rushes at me and tackles me.

Dream : Brother !

We would have fallen on the ground, if it wasn't for Killer grabbing us and letting us down softly. Dream cries against me. Cross unsummon his sword knife thing and sighs. Killer comes near him and they smile at each other before looking back at us. They literally have the same soft happy smile.

Dream finally releases me a bit.

Dream : I missed you so much, Night... And... How can you be so smart and so stupid at once ? I would never give up on you, brother. I would turn to dust before it !

I look at him. He seemed a bit upset. I hear Cross and Killer laugh a bit.

Killer : I think we should leave you two to talk to each other. Cross and I will be at the kitchen, discussing everything. See ya, stupid octopus.

Cross laughs a bit and follows Killer. He closes the door behind him. Dream and I stay silent for a bit, before he speaks once again.

Dream : So, when do you plan to confess to Killer ?

I get startled and blush purple immediately.

Nightmare : W-w-what...? H-h-how do you...

Dream : It is obvious. But I think you still should say it clearly to Killer. If you want, I can help you brother ! If he makes you happy, nothing else matters !

Nightmare : Dream... But... I am the god of negative feelings... He won't love me back.

Dream : Cut the nonsense this instant brother. You have friends that care for you. You just decided to ignore it. Dust and Horror were worried sick about you, when you isolated yourself in your room. To the point to ask me if I knew a way to cheer you up. I care for you, because you are my dear older brother. Palette is dying to know really his uncle. Error actually spies on you, from time to time, to be sure you are alright, from what Ink told me. And Cross and Blue always try to find a way to reconcile us. I don't ask you to be once again the brother I once knew, but please, notice people caring for you. Killer also cares. He got upset at Color, when he spoke ill of you.

Nightmare : ...

I sigh.

Nightmare : Tell Ink and Blue they can come. Error can bring them here. Also, can someone call Reaper ?

I get out of my room. Dream follows me while texting. I scream for Horror and Dust to come to the living room. Killer and Cross come and join us. Kills is surprised I am still in my passive form, same with Cross.

Nightmare : I will go in hiding. Killer, come get me, when Error get here.

I teleport away, before they can say anything.

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