Chapter 8 : Color

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Color POV~

I wake up softly. It has been long since I slept correctly... Wait, slept ? ... OMG, K- Sans !!

I get up hurriedly. I look around me to see where I am. Definitively not my room. At the same time, the door opens and I see... Outer.

When he sees me awake, he rushes to my side, with tears in the eyes.

Outer : Color, you are finally awake !!

? : Wait, Outer Bruh, are you serious ?!

Outer : Yes ! Grab the plate, Epic !

Color : Outer... Where is Killer...? What happened to me ?

Outer : Color... you don't remember ?

Color : I... am not sure...

Epic gets inside with a plate full of food. He put it on my lap.

Epic : Eat up, Bruh... You were out for one week. You must be starving.

Color : Wait, one week ? Seriously, what happened ?

Outer : I will tell you while you eat, alright ?

I nod and start eating. Outer explains everything. Yeah, now that he says it, I remember vaguely some of those things.

Color : ... I mess up big time here...

I look down in shame.

Outer : You did, but that's not what matters, right now. What matters is, what do we do now ?

I look up at him, then Epic, who nod to me.

Color : How can I fix it, you think ? Kill won't forgive me... not after I said those things to him...

Epic : Hm... I have an idea, wait here for me, Bruh !

He gets out of the room, and I turn to Outer.

Color : We are still in your AU ?

Outer : Yes. I mean, it is one of the safest AU, since the bad Sans like it a lot too. Don't you think so too ? And one of the most beautiful too.

Color : Proud of yourself, huh ?

Outer : What do you want me to say ? I have such a lucky star.

I snicker a bit and he smiles, relieved. Epic comes back inside.

Color : What did you do ?

Epic : Call a Bruh that can help us. He said he would come as soon as possible.

Outer and I look at each other, to guess who it could be. Just then, the bell rings.

Epic : I go get it !

He rushes out of the room again. When he comes back, he is with Cross and Dream.

Outer : Ah, Dream, Cross, yo.

Cross : Yo. Color, you seem like Geno, you know ?

Color : Yeah... Well, nobody looks good, after a month deprived of sleep. Even if I slept for one week, apparently.

Epic : Anyway, why did ya sleep ?

Color : Nightmare was upset I took Killer and gave me nightmares. Violents ones. I only got at the best one hour of sleep, each night...

Dream : What ?

Cross : Oh. Well, I did say he would be frightening as a yandere...

Outer : Wait... Yandere ?

Epic : Are you saying Nightmare is... in love with Killer ?

Cross : That a guess we had, with the Stars, Lust, Horror, Error and Dust.

Color : Seriously ?

Dream : So Killer ran away with you... Why is he back to Nightmare, now ?

I sigh and explain everything. When I said I insult Nightmare, when I was upset, Dream looks at me coldly.

Dream : What did you say about my brother ?

I tell him what I remember, and I see Cross takes Dream's hand, probably to calm him down a bit, since he seems pretty upset.

Dream : I see...

Color : ...

Cross : What do you want to do ?

Color : In my case, I would want to apologise to Killer... I said so many hurtful things to him and unfairly took my anger on him.

Dream : ... Killer seems fine. Nightmare did take away his feelings neither.

Color : W-what ?

Outer : Why ?

Dream : I am not my brother. I don't know. But I know he cares for Killer. Ink pointed to me that Nightmare looked at Killer like Cross does to me, so protectively and lovingly.

Cross blush when hearing that. He covers his lower skull by pulling up his scarf. Epic smirks at him and Outer giggles.

Outer : So you think we don't have to worry ?

Dream : Yes. But I will try to find a way for you to apologise to Killer, Color. But don't think I forgive what you said about my brother. These words were the ones of thoses who made him suffer.

He looks at me, before turning away.

Dream : We have things to do, Epic. Sorry, but I take Cross with me.

Epic : Don't worry. Call me if you need an uncle to watch over Lux.

Color : What ?

Epic : They have a baby daughter, now.

Cross : I will think of calling you. For now, Palette does great. Bye, guys !

Cross and Dream teleport away.

Color : ... Killer's rabbits !! How are they ?

Epic : Don't worry, Bruh. I took care of them, while you were out. Ccino and Outer helped too.

Color : Oh. Thanks guys. I will need to text Ccino.

Epic : Yeah, buuuuut, do it later. For now, you should rest.

Outer : He is right, buddy.

Color : Alright, alright.

I lay down, smiling to my friends, and go back to sleep.

Epic POV~

Outer smile and get out, pushing me a little.

Outer : I leave you two lovebirds.

He spoke so quietly I doubt Color heard him. I blush a bit while he gets out. I sigh and sit near of Color. I gently stroke his skull, while he sleeps.

Epic : Eh. Let's hope everything will go right, bruh. And that Killer will forgive you...


Yay !! I am finally back (and I feel like dying... I hate family reunion)

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