Chapter 12 : What is going on ?

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Killer POV~

I look at Dream confused. He seems as confused as me. Dust and Horror get here, and search Nightmare.

Killer : He went back. He seems to be planning something, however.

Dust : Seriously ?

Dream : Yes. He also wants Reaper, Blue, Ink and Error here.

Horror : Can Lust come along ?

Killer : Maybe Color and Epic too, in that case.

Cross : I will get them.

He opens a portal and leaves. Error gets here, not too long after. Dust and Blue hug each other. Reaper gets here, while holding and hugging Geno, who struggles to get free. Cross comes back with Epic, Color and Lust.

Lust goes to tackle Horror in a hug and kisses him. Cross goes back to Dream side with Epic. Color gives me a quick hug.

Error : So, why are we all here ?

Killer : No idea. I will get Nightmare, like he asks me.

I go to the throne room, while the others all look at each other. Nightmare is pacing around the room, still in passive form.

Nightmare : They are all here ?

Killer : Yes. Cross invited Epic and Color and Lust, though... And Reaper kidnapped Geno.

Nightmare : I was expecting that.

He goes to my side and takes my hand shyly.

Nightmare : Can I hold on your hand... for as long as I will speak to them... it will calm me down a bit.

Killer : If you want. What are you planning ?

Nightmare : You will see.

He pulls me out of the room, and after some time, goes behind me, so he won't be seen immediately.

Lust : Hey, Killer. Where is Nighty ?

Epic : Lust is the Epicest of us. Nobody would dare call him that.

Dream : Well, that's how I called him, when we were younger, actually. I am just pretty sure he would be upset if in the middle of a battle I called him Nighty... with how he reacts to "brother", I won't try.

Ink : Yeah, he would be upset and fluster a bit, I think. Maybe I will do it.

He sneakers to himself.

Nightmare : You won't get the chance, Ink. That's a shame.

They all are startled, and I take two steps away to show Nightmare. Except Dream and Cross, they are all staring a lot.

Cross : I would have thought you would have gone back in your other form, by now.

Horror : Wait... That's the Boss ?

They all turn to Dream, who nod, then to Nightmare, then to Dream.

All : They really are twins, actually.

Blue : But why did Nightmare call us all here and is in his passive form ?

They all look at him, then at Nightmare.

Nightmare : Thanks, Blue... I called you all to announce something. I want to make a truce with the Stars Sans.

All : ... WAIT WHAT ?!

Nightmare : Which is why I wanted Reaper here. He is neutral. So I want him to make sure what we decide to do will be fair for both sides.

Reaper : Oh, I see. Good thing I brought Geno, then. He is pretty neutral himself.

Nightmare leads everyone to the meeting room. Dust, Error, Horror, Nightmare, Cross and myself took our usual seat, and the others placed themself near their lover or friend.

We then discussed the rules of the truce. We included Ink and Error truce in it too.

Conclusion : The Bad and the Stars will live together in the castle (or at least have a room in it). Color is allowed to come see me from time to time. The Bad aren't allowed to attack AU, only to defend themselves without killing if attacked. The Stars have to limit their travel in AU, since the Bad won't do bad deeds, so they have to try to contain themselves to do too much.

Epic can also come here to see Cross, when he is here. Obviously, everyone keeps their house if they have one.

Also, if the couples want an "intimate" moment, they do it in their house, not the castle.

Fresh is allowed to come to babysit Ink's children. Also, we just then learned that Reaper and Geno had two sons named Goth and Raven. They ask if they could come play with the others, to which the Stars and Cross said yes instantly. Nightmare don't see a problem with it either.

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